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How Email Notification Software Can Deliver Important and Urgent Messages | DeskAlerts

Written by Anton Vdovin | Sep 21, 2017 6:24:45 AM

Email remains as one of the most widely used communication channels in the corporate world. It is fast, easy, and simple to use. An email notification software is one practical investment for any company as it can make communication seamless and efficient, particularly in reaching busy workers. Employees who are too preoccupied with work will be able to see an important message from the management which relayed said message through email notifications.

Prominent Display

There are many advantages of having an email notification software in the workplace. One advantage is provides is that the busy worker will be able to see and read the urgent message coming from a supervisor, manager, or top level management. The message is sent as an email along with a pop-up message on the desktop PC. This assures the message sender that no matter how hectic the employee’s schedule is, he’d still be able to view the important message.

Messages may range from status updates on a project that the team is working, a new HR policy that the company is implementing, advisories from the IT department, and message from the company president.

The popup alert gives the intended recipient a preview on the message sent to his inbox. He can then go directly to the message by clicking on a link displayed in the popup alert, saving him time as he no longer has to scroll down and up on his email inbox just to look for that important message.

There are also messages that are too long to be sent through a regular pop-up alert, and thus must be delivered through an inbox. For example, an IT advisory on a new program to be installed on the desktop PCs of workers may be too lengthy to be displayed as popup alert. Instead, the IT team sends it as an email advisory alongside a popup alert so that employees will not miss out on this critical advisory.


For certain types of content like documents, it can be more efficient to send them as an email. The company president’s latest speeches, a presentation made by the HR boss, or the latest industry news are some examples of messages that can be sent through the email.

IT or the communications group can also send an email message that specifies a link to a PowerPoint presentation, audio or video file, which the employees can click to view the certain content they would like to view, watch, or read. This prevents sending of emails that contain large files.

Email notification software can also be configured in a way that the program will only show important messages, so that the employee will not be inundated with too many emails from various senders and distract him at work.

Senders, like the IT team, HR department, or corporate communications department, can make their messages “urgent” and “important” so that these would be presented as a popup alert and prominently displayed on the inbox of employees. In turn, workers will not miss out on an important announcement or advisory from the said departments.


Departments that send messages through the email can also customize their messages. For example, they can schedule the sending of emails to a defined date and time. HR may want to send an advisory on a new company policy in the morning, so recipients would have a fresh mind and be able to digest well the content. They may even set repetition time for messages.

Email notification software can also support a wide range of image formats, and send actionable content like embedded URLs that can make external pages displayed in browsers.

With these advantages of email notification software, it is not surprising why a lot of companies still use email to communicate with the rest of the organization.