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Understanding the Importance of Good Internal Communications | DeskAlerts

Written by Anton Vdovin | Sep 22, 2017 7:38:22 AM

Accurate and effective internal communications can be the lifeblood of corporations and organizations. The following content explains why it is so important.

In the business context and corporate environment, internal communication is defined as the dialogic process occurring between the employer and their employees or between groups of employees. It is a business communication subset that is constructed around a single, simple premise, and states that internal communication is not a monologue. It is a dialog, and therefore, involves the process of sending information.

In order for Internal Communications to be more effective, there are four channels of internal communication that must be involved, including:

  • The workspace environment Company news – LCD or plasma monitors and notice boards
  • Print-based communications – Brochures, memos, and newsletters
  • Face-to-face forums with a human presence in place – (i.e. one-to-one or one-to-many) such as briefings, conferences, consultation forums, and meetings
  • Electronic – Electronically accessed and delivered communications using a computer, telephone, or television

Electronic channels are the most modern and technologically innovative forms of internal communication, and include web-based systems that can be used for sending desktop alerts, e-mails, screensaver messages and SMS text messaging, at the same time, from one centralized location in the corporation.

About Internal Communications

It follows then that the actions and functions that are responsible for effective, professional communication among the different levels of any corporation or organization are referred to as “internal communications” or IC for short. The practice of internal communication is directly drawn from certain theories as well as:

  • Human Resources
  • Journalisms
  • Knowledge Management
  • Marketing
  • Media Relations
  • Public Relations

Additionally, from a broader approach, certain internal communications are drawn from the following areas:

  • Communication Theory
  • Organizational Studies
  • Political Science
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociology

Another key aspect of internal communication that is frequently overlooked is that the communication taking place between employees is considerably more powerful than employer-to-employee communication.

The Strategies of Internal Communications

Internal communication strategy is comprised of two components; specifically, the core strategy and the organizational strategy. The core strategy should include the following elements in order to be effective:

  • Market – What the corporation knows regarding the needs of its target audience and how that audience is segmented
  • Measurement – Includes criteria for success which is clearly defined as well as measures that lag as well as lead
  • Media – Involves the best channels for reaching all segments of the target audience and clear editorial guidelines in order to maximize cut-through and reach
  • Message – The message the corporation is attempting to achieve, and the tone in which it is conveyed and delivered.

The organizational strategy revolves around what the corporation hopes to achieve through internal communication, as well as the methods used in order to achieve the goals. This typically involves:

  • Consulting – Specific forms of input are sought out for the decision-making process.
  • Involvement – Seeking out several degrees of co-creation and involvement. Selling – Persuasion tactics are required as some backlash must be anticipated.
  • Telling – A non-negotiable form of informing individuals of the direction that the corporation is moving in.

These strategies are also an excellent way to organize effective and efficient internal communication. Additionally, there are five separate IC-oriented modes of practice, which include strategic leadership, business partnering, project communications, and message design and message distribution.

How DeskAlerts Improves Internal Communications

One of the most critical elements of a corporation that helps it to keep running smoothly while enhancing employee productivity at the same time is keeping employees informed as effectively and as timely as possible. DeskAlerts is just such a system, as well as a proven way to enhance internal communication throughout a corporation from the upper management levels down to the last entry-level employee.

The DeskAlerts software enables a central administrator to send out internal messages and notifications in the form of desktop alerts. These alerts cannot be deleted, ignored, or set to the side, which is why the system is such an effective internal communication tool. The different communication channels that can be used include those of the administrator, general corporate channels, human resources department and IT department.

The DeskAlerts network messaging system can be used to improve internal communications using content that includes documents, flash presentations, graphics, rich text format and video. It is the only desktop alert solution that can function in any geographically and technologically diverse network. DeskAlerts features centralized storage for reporting and tracking, an interface that is user-friendly and a 100% message delivery rate guarantee in order to keep everyone informed and on the same page.

Alerts can be sent to multiple locations within the corporation while targeting specific audiences for receiving the messages being sent. Additionally, DeskAlerts avoid communication problems by enhancing efficiency and making sure that everyone is on the same page while being eco-friendly, and saving money at the same time. Finally, DeskAlerts is an internal communications tool that is easy to administer and requires no end-user training.

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