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Ticker vs. Email For Internal Communications: What Works Better? | DeskAlerts

Written by Caroline Duncan | Aug 4, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Trying to reach your co-workers by email can be disappointing, especially when you are competing for their attention in a very crowded marketplace (their inboxes!)  Too many emails go unnoticed or unread, and people miss out on important information. A scrolling desktop ticker could be a good solution for getting people’s attention in your workplace and improving the flow of communication.

What are scrolling tickers and how they can be used for internal communications?

A scrolling ticker is a continuous band of scrolling text that appears on a screen.  The desktop ticker works in a similar way to the type that is used on news channels to keep people informed about headlines and updates to situations.

Messages sent via ticker will stay visible on the screen but will not interfere with employees’ work.  The ticker can include hyperlinks so that employees can click through to more information that is located somewhere else, such as on your intranet or internet sites.

Scrolling desktop tickers are a less intrusive way to get information to people on a range of topics such as:

  • IT systems maintenance and upgrades
  • IT outages and other service disruptions and ETAs for resolution
  • Updates about how your company is tracking against its KPIs
  • Updates about your company’s stock price
  • Updates about projects and achieving corporate goals
  • Reminders about upcoming human resources deadlines like payroll changes or performance agreements
  • Reminders about compliance deadlines
  • Corporate information such as upcoming audits and reports
  • Information about upcoming training
  • Changes to policies and procedures

Tickers and emails: how do they compare?

Desktop tickers are a great way to communicate with employees and in many instances, can be a more effective way of communicating than using email.  Let’s look at how they compare:

1. Delivery and read rates

When you need to be certain that people will receive and see the information that you have sent so that they can be well-informed and have the knowledge they need to do their jobs.

Email: Average email deliverability rate across all platforms is 88.9% (Source) The average email read rate is 16.97%.  (Source)

Ticker: 100% deliverability and 100% read rate.

2. Information overload

Information overload is an issue that has become increasingly more problematic over recent years. People have access to more information than ever before, all day long, in their professional and personal lives. More information than they will ever get around to reading.

This means that important information can be missed because there are simply too many emails, notifications, texts and other pieces of content for people to find the time to look at.

Email: The average interaction worker spends 28% of their workweek managing email. (Source)

Ticker: Appears on peoples’ screens and they can easily read and digest the headlines and click through to read further information – doesn’t require a lot of time to manage and won’t get lost.

3. The time between sending and reading

When you need time-sensitive information to be delivered and received urgently and immediately, you need to be able to choose a channel that will facilitate this.

Email: When you send an email, there are many factors at play when it comes to how long it will sit in someone’s inbox before it is read. Some people check their inboxes constantly, while others check at set intervals throughout the day. Some people check even less often than that. Only half of all emails are opened within six hours of being sent. (Source) And almost 61% of people say they ignore emails at work! (Source)

Ticker: Information appears instantly on screens and in front of employees’ eyes at the click of a button.

4. Competition for attention

When you have too many messages, it can be difficult to mentally process them all. This can cause anxiety and overwhelm.

Email: The average office worker receives 121 emails each day. (Source)

Ticker: There is just one ticker to look at.

5. Levels of distraction

There are times when distracting communication channels can be beneficial, such as when you need people to evacuate a burning building! But a lot of the time distractions can be harmful to productivity.

Email: Workers who are distracted when they stop what they’re doing to deal with an email can take 23 minutes to get back on track again. (Source)

Ticker: Tickers are less distracting than emails – they’re deliberately designed to be less disruptive and they occupy less than 4% of the available screen pace! At the same time, they’re more visible than emails are.


A scrolling desktop ticker is a good investment for any workplace. Using innovative internal communication channels will help to improve knowledge and boost productivity and engagement. Get in touch today to find out how you can implement a scrolling ticker in your organization.