Work Overload In The Workplace And Internal Communication
A 2020 survey from Spring Health identified that 76% of American workers have experienced burnout.
It’s important for...
The Digital Age means that people are overloaded with more information than ever before, coming at them from many different channels.
Cutting through the digital clutter is a challenge for anyone trying to get their message out there, and especially for organizations looking to engage and inform their employees.
What is message overload? It’s a common problem – inboxes bulging with hundreds of new messages every day. Finding the time to read them all can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Often important information will be missed completely as it gets “buried” in the barrage of emails that are always incoming.
There’s a very real risk that important information will not be read or acted upon if you send it via your email system, so it’s important to know how to reduce emails.
DeskAlerts helps you to prevent your employees from becoming overwhelmed by emails while also ensuring your important information is received and seen. Our trusted system for managing email overload in the workplace lets you bypass inboxes and send information directly to employees’ corporate devices through a range of different digital channels.
Schedule DeskAlerts notifications in advance to be issued at certain dates and times
DeskAlerts will let you know that your recipients have read the messages
DeskAlerts messages can be used to send employees to information on the company’s intranet site
Send reminder notices about important upcoming events or information
Send messages to all your employees or just to specific, defined audiences
Keep your employees safe in an emergency by sending alerts to their screens
“We found DeskAlerts was the only choice to meet our needs as well as being affordable and flexible. After considering whether to make our own software we decided that was not a good idea and would keep us from our core business.”
“DeskAlerts is a great tool that will definitely improve your communication strategy to users as well as allow you to do many other functions to delivery great service to your organization in terms of enterprise-wide communications.”
Cut Through The Email Clutter With DeskAlerts Research from McKinsey Global Institute has found the average employee spends around 28% of their working week reading and responding to emails – costing the economy billions of dollars each year.
When you have important information to share with your staff, DeskAlerts can send messages straight to their desktops and other devices in a way that can’t be ignored. Learn how to handle email overload by using DeskAlerts to communicate critical information, or drive them to your intranet site.
How to manage email overload with DeskAlerts:
Our solution integrates with the company's Active Directory. This database typically contains emails, phone numbers, logins, and other information. Consequently, it's possible to target any users through the organizational unit. This means that alerts can be targeted to any audience, whether it be a department, unit, individual employee, etc.
Additionally, DeskAlerts offers the capability to create custom user groups within the system itself. The interface is designed to accommodate such tasks.
DeskAlerts generates detailed reports about message delivery and engagement. These reports can include data which is useful not only for alerts sender but to the analytics.
Yes, it is possible. Our interface supports HTML and video. You can create a database of images and templates inside it.
The video module in the software is a separate feature. It allows not only uploading pre-made videos but also recording them here and now in an online mode.
Apr 27, 2023by Caroline Duncan
A 2020 survey from Spring Health identified that 76% of American workers have experienced burnout.
It’s important for...
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