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What Is DeskAlerts ?

DeskAlerts Alerting Platform

DeskAlerts is a web-based alert notification system. It allows you to send alerts to specified recipients in the form of a desktop pop-up window, wallpaper, screensaver, email, SMS or push notification.

If you are a manager of a company who wants to send messages to your employees with just one click of a mouse, then a desktop alert software is the right product for you. This intelligent software can perform mass notification to all the recipients that you define. It also allows full tracking so that you know if the employee has received the message or not.

DeskAlerts boasts completely customizable desktop and server configurations that are not matched by other messaging systems.

  • DeskAlerts server Control Panel is hosted within your organization. It includes web interface for composing and sending content, as well as for managing the whole notifications system.

  • DeskAlerts Desktop Agent is a lightweight application installed on an employee’s machine in order to receive desktop popups, tickers, screensavers, wallpapers etc.

  • DeskAlerts Mobile App is an application installed on an employee’s cellphone in order to receive common push notifications, surveys, video-alerts etc.

  • DeskAlerts One-Click App for Emergency is an application installed on a publisher’s cellphone in order to send predefined emergency alerts in one click.

The DeskAlerts software automatically tracks and stores alert activity with centralized storage that provides instant reporting on user receipt.


Watch How To Send Basic Types Of Alerts

How Does A Desktop Alert Software Work?

The communication software is installed either locally or deployed to all the management, employees and staff to allow them to view alert notifications for all in the organization as well as alerts that are specially sent to them.

An administrator is responsible for composing the desktop alert messages and delivering them to the employees, whether to an individual, specific group or to all the departments in the organization located anywhere in the world.

It is GIS (geographic information system) enabled and its rich multi-media capabilities can deliver rich media such as audio files, live surveillance camera vids, images, interactive files and other applications to desktops, emails, and mobile devices.

The employees can view the alert messages directly from their desktop screens or mobile devices. They can also view ticker alerts, participate in surveys, read company newsletters, express their opinions, and more. With the desktop alert program, employees can have an open communication with the management and it is a very good tool for internal communication.

one click 2

DeskAlerts Network Diagram


DeskAlerts Tools

The biggest obstacle to effective communications with employees, partners, and other stakeholders is that information gets lost in the shuffle. DeskAlerts sends instant alerts to specified recipients in the form of a pop-up window which requires a user response and cannot be skipped or ignored. The high visibility combined with our 100% delivery rate guarantee means you can be sure they get the message.

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Prepare a template in advance that can be used to send important news, announcements, updates, emergency notifications, RSVPs and reminders straight to employee desktops in an eye-catching way that will never be missed.



Send messages in a variety of multimedia formats including video, HTML, Flash, scrolling text or presentation slides.
Send content via channels that include desktop pop-up windows, desktop background, screensaver, email notifications, SMS messages, mobile alerts and more.



Offers complete flexibility by enabling you to schedule messages in advance that will be sent at a later date and time.



Send alerts from any location, use Active Directory integration.
Target your message for individual users, user groups, devices, and departments.



Deliver messages right to employees desktop, use shortcut in case of emergency. The DeskAlerts agents can be tuned to have a special non-interruptive mode for employees who must not be distracted from their tasks



The server will receive data about dates when messages were sent and received.
All the results produced by users, as well as alerts and survey feedback will be recorded.
This way you will know which ones did not get them.

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