Corporate Screensaver Tool

Manage displays according to the schedule, select groups from the active directory, target and send

Customize employees' desktop screensaver
according to what you want them to view

People are often much more receptive to visual communication. And that's why Is corporate screensaver desktop so in demand right now!

You can manage the DeskAlerts software to change, rotate, schedule and customize your content before you deliver it to employees’ screens. Create screensavers that act as a broadcast to your staff or visitors to your organization – your content can be of the instructing or informing type, or it can be advertising your company. You control what you publish.

Rich Content

Send messages in a variety of multimedia formats from presentation slides to HTML and video.


Your corporate screensaver can target specific departments, groups, and single users and even combinations of each.


Schedule the delivery and availability time specifically to match targeted events within your internal communication strategies.


The corporate screensaver will always take over automatically as the default one even if the user attempts to change it.

PowerPoint Support

Use PowerPoint presentations as screensavers that can be a guide to employees regarding important matters such as business plans, marketing strategies, rules and regulations, and so on.


Change the sequencing of the corporate screensaver gallery if the display schedule is set or if you like to change screensavers.


Apply screensaver's features for more accurate impact


Use the screensavers as a way to deliver a more powerful, memorable message

Tell your employees about your company’s priorities by sending key messages across to the target recipients without interrupting them.
  • Set eye-catching screensavers with important corporate news and events on your staff members' desktops.
  • Bypass information overload and reach everyone in the company.
  • Use different image formats. Embed JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP image files, videos, flash, PowerPoint.
  • Display screensavers on digital signage or message boards and your audiences will not be limited with PC users only.

Easy to use, update and deploy make them an excellent tool for office communication.


How Screensaver Improves Corporate Communication

Find the shortest way to get your employees' attention

In our fast-paced world it can be challenging to communicate with people in a way that they are guaranteed to be able to receive the information. With screensaver software your company can achieve its corporate goals and solve a range of business problems.

You can use DeskAlerts Corporate Screensaver Software to:

  • Communicate core values and reinforce key messages to build internal brand
  • Make corporate news and alerts reach everyone bypassing information overload
  • Display your organization’s latest videos, advertising campaigns or media coverage
  • Turn PowerPoint into screensaver and broadcast your presentations
  • Send event countdowns to upcoming events or corporate changes
  • Drive behavioral, cultural or procedural change
  • Reduce corporate spam and make everyone aware of important information

The Custom screensavers you create can be interactive, and are sent directly to your employees’ screens when you upload them to the system. You can make your screensavers using the WYSIWYG content editor that lets you create rich content.

Turn screens into billboards

Reinforce your brand and your key messages with corporate screensaver tool and help your employees more likely to remember what you want them to know

Create and customize messages that will not pass by your employee attention

Send interactive screensavers to staff

  • Company messages
  • Company announcements
  • Corporate news
  • Key information
  • Images
  • Other visual content
  • Flash animation
  • Video
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Embedded hyperlinks

There is also the possibility to display several screensavers in a slide-show manner with the configurable on-screen time for each of them. 


Choose The Right Audience For Your Message

The software for managing screensavers connects to the Active Directory and lets you target its delivery to individuals, custom groups, departments, multiple locations or your entire organization.

This means you can create screensavers that are relevant to specific audiences. The software for managing screensavers can be used for both desktops and digital signage eg: various screens you may have within your organization.


