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5 min read

Advantages Of Visual Communication

The Power of Visual Communication

What are the features of communication methods being used currently in your organization? Are you using visual communication tools as part of your internal communications? If not, you could be seriously undermining your efforts. Studies have found that people only remember about 20 percent of what they read and around 10 percent of what they hear. This compares with people remembering around 80 percent of what they see!

Table of contents

The top advantages of visual communication in the workplace

Different types of visual tools to use

Why work screensavers are a valuable internal communication tool

Tips for designing effective screensavers

The top advantages of visual communication in the workplace

Visual elements play a crucial role in internal communication within organizations. Their importance is more than just aesthetics - visual imagery can be a powerful tool to convey information, engage employees and enhance overall understanding. 

Here are several reasons why visual elements are important in internal communication:

1. Increased engagement

One of the advantages of visual communication is their ability to easily capture employees’ attention and stimulate interest. In a sea of text-based emails and memos, imagery stands out and draws employees' focus. Whether it's an eye-catching infographic, an appealing chart, or a well-designed presentation, visual elements can pique curiosity, encourage interaction and foster a deeper engagement with the content being communicated.

2. Enhanced comprehension

The importance of visual communication cannot be stressed enough. Research consistently shows that humans process visual information faster and more effectively than the way they process text alone. Visual elements can simplify complex concepts, break down information into digestible chunks and create visual cues that aid in comprehension. 

3. Communication is more memorable

Images have a lasting impact on memory retention. When information is presented in a visually appealing and meaningful way, it becomes more memorable for employees. By incorporating relevant images, internal communicators can make their messages stick in employees' minds - increasing the chances of information recall and reinforcing key points over time.

4. Evokes emotional connections

Visual communications  have the ability to evoke emotions and create a sense of connection with the message being communicated. By using compelling imagery, internal communicators can evoke positive feelings, reinforce organizational values and culture, and strengthen the emotional bond between employees and the company. Visual elements can also be used to highlight achievements, recognize employees' contributions and celebrate milestones, fostering a sense of pride and motivation.

5. Cut across language barriers

In multinational organizations, visual elements can transcend language barriers and facilitate communication across diverse cultures and backgrounds. An important aspect of visual communication is that  icons, symbols and infographics can convey meaning and information universally, reducing the reliance on written output.

6. Reinforce corporate branding

Visual communications help to play an integral part of an organization's visual identity and branding. Using consistent visual elements such as colors, fonts, and graphic styles helps companies to reinforce their brand image and create a cohesive visual experience for employees. 

>>Learn how to Run a Successful Internal Branding Campaign<<

Different types of visual tools to use

There are a number of ways you can start to incorporate visual tools in your internal communication efforts. These ideas can help make internal communications more engaging, memorable, and effective by leveraging visual elements that capture employees' attention and facilitate understanding.

  • Infographics: a popular way to display complex information or data in a concise and engaging manner. 
  • Visual presentations: the use of slides, images, and diagrams in presentations to enhance understanding and engagement during meetings, training sessions or internal events.
  • Video messages: short video announcements  from company leaders or team members to share updates, important announcements or recognition. 

>>Video Message From CEO to Employees: Full Guide 2023<<

  • Corporate screensavers:  visually appealing screensavers with brief messages that promote company values, upcoming events, or important reminders. 
  • Corporate wallpapers: computer desktop backgrounds that showcase your brand identity, including logos, colors, and key brand elements to foster a sense of pride and unity among employees.
  • Social media visuals: visually appealing graphics specifically tailored for internal social media platforms or company intranets.
  • Digital signage: visually appealing billboard displays delivered to any screen in your organization. 

Why work screensavers are a valuable internal communication tool

Work screensavers are one of the most effective tools for internal communication. They offer visibility, consistency, and a visually engaging platform to reinforce key messages, enhance brand identity as well as fostering employee engagement and satisfaction. By leveraging screensavers, organizations can create a cohesive and informed workforce, nurture a positive work culture and improve overall communication effectiveness.

There are several reasons why work screensavers are beneficial for organizations and should be a feature communication campaigns:

  • As they’re prominently displayed on employee computer screens, the messages on screensavers consistently reach a wide audience. When used for internal communication they can achieve better visibility and improve message retention compared to traditional methods.
  • As a content delivery mechanism, screensavers act as constant reminders of important information such as company values, goals  or upcoming events.
  • Work screensavers provide an opportunity to showcase the company's brand identity. 
  • They can be used to help promote employee engagement by featuring quizzes, challenges or thought-provoking questions.
  • They can be helped to boost morale by highlighting employee accomplishments, team successes, or recognition moments. 
  • Screensavers offer a platform to promote and support internal campaigns or initiatives by displaying campaign visuals, progress updates or key messages, 
  • Implementing screensavers as part of internal communication strategies is a cost-effective and time-efficient method. Screensavers can be easily updated, ensuring relevant information is consistently conveyed without requiring extensive resources.

Tips for designing effective screensavers

Remember, the primary goal of corporate screensavers is to effectively communicate key messages and engage employees. By following these tips, you can create visually appealing, informative, and impactful screensavers that enhance internal communication within your organization:

1. Keep your screensavers simple and clear

Screensavers should convey messages quickly and effectively. Use concise text, simple graphics and uncluttered designs to ensure the information is easily digestible at a glance. Avoid creating overwhelming screensavers with excessive elements or complex visuals.

2. Use high quality visuals

It’s important to select high-resolution images or graphics that are visually appealing and relevant to the message or theme of the screensaver. Ensure that the visuals are clear, well-composed, and optimized for display on screens of various resolutions.

3. Consider the delivery method

Consider investing in a software tool that helps you to instantly deploy corporate screensavers and other communications to your employees’ computers with no intervention required by the IT department. A system such as DeskAlerts puts internal communicators in control of sending new screensaver content to employees at the press of a button. They can control which screensaver employees see, and which employees see it.

4. Rotate and update screensaver content

To maintain employee interest and prevent screensaver fatigue, consider regularly rotating or updating the content. This can include featuring different messages, visuals, or seasonal themes. By keeping the screensavers fresh and dynamic, you can sustain employee engagement and prevent the information from becoming stale.\

5. Use screensavers to promote corporate initiatives

Screensavers can be used to help promote just about anything you need to let employees know about. This can include new products and services, external marketing campaigns, project milestones, new policies and procedures, corporate wellness initiatives, upcoming events and more. 


Find out how you can unlock the potential of corporate screensavers in your organization by reaching out to our team of experts today for a free demonstration. We’ll give you personalized guidance on how to use screensavers and our other impactful internal communication channels that resonate with employees.


What is the power of visual communication design?

The power of visual communication design lies in its ability to convey information, evoke emotions, and engage audiences effectively. Communication features such as graphics, colors and typography, helps simplify complex ideas, enhance understanding and leaves a lasting impact. Visual communication design can capture attention, tell compelling stories, and create a memorable experience, making it a powerful tool for effective communication across various mediums and audiences.

What is the importance and power of visual communication for designers?

The importance and power of visual communication for designers includes:

  • Effective message delivery as designers can convey messages more effectively by utilizing graphics, imagery and typography to capture attention and engage viewers.
  • Improved understanding as visual elements help simplify complex information, making it easier for audiences to comprehend and remember key points.
  • Emotional impacts create a strong connection with viewers and leave a lasting impression.

What is the importance of design in visual communication?

Design plays a crucial role in visual communication as it ensures clarity, coherence and aesthetic appeal. It helps organize information, create visual hierarchy and guide the viewer's attention. Effective design choices such as typography, color, layout, and composition enhance the message's impact, engagement, and understanding.

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