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7 min read

How To Improve Business Communication In a Multinational Company

How To Improve Business Communication In a Multinational Company

Internal communication is a challenge for any large business. Keeping employees informed when you have hundreds or thousands of people doing different things, working in different ways, requires a significant effort and looking at different ways how to improve business communication.

In multinational companies, these challenges are magnified. Not only do you have lots of people in lots of teams, but you have people in different time zones, in different countries, on different continents, and even with different language and cultural factors coming into play.

It’s important to have the right strategies and tools in place within your organization to improve business communication so that you can be well prepared to meet these challenges.

Table of contents

Why internal communication is important in a multinational company

Business communication challenges faced by multinational companies

How to use DeskAlerts to improve business communication in a multinational company

Why internal communication is important in a multinational company

Internal communication is vital in a multinational company to overcome geographical and cultural barriers, align employees with the company's objectives, foster collaboration and innovation, and ensure compliance with various regulations.

Improving business communication plays a central role in maintaining a unified, engaged, and efficient workforce across a globally distributed organization.

1. Coordination and collaboration

Multinational companies often have teams spread across different countries and time zones. Global business communication ensures all employees are on the same page, working towards common goals and collaborating efficiently, no matter where they are located.

2. Consistency

Maintaining consistency in messaging, branding, and company culture is essential for a multinational company's success. Internal communication helps organizations to disseminate and reinforce messages and values across the organization, regardless of the geographical locations of staff.

3. Sharing knowledge

In many large organizations, it’s easy for “information silos” to develop where different teams don’t share information with others. This can be especially difficult to deal with in multinational companies. Different regions or branches of a multinational company may possess unique knowledge, skills, or insights. When looking at how to improve business communication, ensure that your strategies facilitate the sharing of this valuable information across the organization, helping teams learn from each other and make more informed decisions.

Read this article to learn How To Break Down Organizational Silos

4. Employee engagement

Engaged employees are more productive and committed to their organizations. This leads to better overall performance for the company. Regular communication from leadership, including updates, recognition, and feedback, helps to foster a sense of belonging and engagement among employees, no matter where they are located.



5. Alignment with company goals

Multinational companies often have complex structures with various divisions and subsidiaries. Effective internal communication ensures that all parts of the organization are aligned with the company's overall strategic goals, making it easier to achieve those goals.

6. Crisis management

When there is a crisis or an emergency situation, it is essential for a company to be able to communicate clearly and quickly with employees. Whether it's a global economic downturn or a local issue in one of the company's locations, internal communication helps provide timely information, instructions, and action plans swiftly.

7. Cultural sensitivity

Multinational companies operate in diverse cultural environments. Understanding and respecting these cultural differences is vital for business success. Internal communication can educate employees about cultural nuances, helping them to avoid misunderstandings or preventing unintentional offense.

8. Compliance and regulations

Different countries may have various legal and regulatory requirements that affect business operations and must be adhered to. Effective internal communication ensures that employees are aware of and comply with these regulations, reducing legal and reputational risks.

9. Innovation and problem solving

Diverse teams can bring different perspectives to the table, which is essential for fostering innovation and creative problem-solving. Global business communication encourages the exchange of ideas and cross-functional collaboration, which can lead to new solutions and opportunities.

10. Developing talent

A multinational company's workforce can be its most significant asset. Internal communication helps organizations to nurture the talent in the workforce by providing learning and development opportunities, career progression information delivering, and mentoring programs that can benefit employees across the organization.

Business communication challenges faced by multinational companies

Multinational companies face several unique internal communication challenges due to their global reach, diverse workforce, and complex organizational structures. Some of the main challenges of communication in an international business include:

  • Language barriers can impede effective communication, leading to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and reduced productivity.
  • Cultural norms, values, and communication styles vary widely across countries. Misunderstanding or disregarding these differences can lead to conflicts, miscommunications, and ineffective teamwork.
  • Teams and employees in different regions may work in different time zones, making synchronous communication challenging.
  • In some regions, access to reliable communication technology and infrastructure may be limited and can hinder the use of digital communication tools.
  • Multinational companies must navigate various data protection and privacy regulations as part of their worldwide communication, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Ensuring compliance while sharing information internally can be complex.
  • With numerous channels for communication, employees may experience information overload.
  • Fostering diversity and inclusion is a priority for many multinational companies. Effective communication strategies should consider the needs of diverse employees and ensure all voices are heard.
  • In a crisis, such as a global pandemic or a regionally-specific natural disaster, multinational companies need to rapidly deliver information and action plans, which can be a significant challenge.
  • Multinational companies may have complex internal structures, hierarchies and decision-making processes. Ensuring that communication flows smoothly up and down the chain can be challenging for worldwide communication and important messages may get lost or delayed.
  • Employees need to be educated about cultural sensitivities and norms in different regions. Providing cross-cultural training can be time-consuming and may require ongoing efforts.
  • Keeping employees engaged and motivated can be challenging when they work remotely or are geographically distant. It's crucial to find ways to maintain a sense of belonging and connection among employees when looking at how to improve business communication in your company.

How to use DeskAlerts to improve business communication in a multinational company

How To Improve Business Communication In a Multinational Company2

To address these challenges, multinational companies need to develop comprehensive internal communication strategies that consider cultural diversity, use technology wisely, provide cross-cultural training, and establish clear communication protocols.

An ingenious way of managing communication in an international business is to invest in an innovative software solution like DeskAlerts.

DeskAlerts is a communication software platform designed to enhance internal communication within organizations. It is used by many multinational companies to drive success in their organizations by cutting through digital noise and reaching employees no matter where they are located in the world on any corporate device.

Here’s how DeskAlerts can help to improve business communication:

  • Send notifications to any device instantly

DeskAlerts lets you send notifications instantly in the form of pop-up alerts, scrolling tickers, digital signage displays, employee app push notifications, and more. This enables multinational companies to send important updates, announcements, and alerts to employees across different time zones, ensuring that critical information reaches them promptly.

  • Send messages in different languages

DeskAlerts can support multiple languages, which is essential in international business communications with employees who speak different languages. Messages can be customized and delivered in the preferred language of each recipient, reducing language barriers.

  • Send mobile alerts to cellphones and tablets

In addition to desktop alerts, DeskAlerts can send notifications to employees' mobile devices. This is especially useful for employees who are on the move, whether they are non-desk workers, traveling for work, or working remotely. They can stay informed regardless of their location.

  • Enhances centralized communication

By providing a centralized platform for communication, DeskAlerts allows corporate headquarters to disseminate important information consistently and efficiently to all its offices worldwide.

  • Set custom audiences

Organizations can send targeted messages to specific groups of employees or departments. This allows for personalized communication that is relevant to the recipients, reducing information overload. For example, you may wish to communicate with staff in one particular city, or global staff who have similar roles within the company.

  • Gather feedback in real time

Using the surveys, quizzes, and polls module of DeskAlerts, you can instantly send notifications to employees that can then be used to collect feedback. This helps multinational companies gather insights and assess employee satisfaction and engagement on a global scale.

  • Communicate quickly in an emergency

In the event of a crisis or emergency, DeskAlerts can be used to send urgent alerts and instructions to employees worldwide, ensuring their safety and well-being.

  • Can be integrated with existing systems

DeskAlerts can integrate with other software and systems used by the organization, such as email, intranet, or HR software, streamlining communication and information sharing.

  • Powerful analytics and reporting

DeskAlerts provides analytics and reporting tools to assess the effectiveness of internal communication campaigns, allowing organizations to make data-driven improvements.

  • Ensures consistency in onboarding

In many organizations, onboarding of new employees is an inconsistent process which can lead to people not being properly trained or not understanding the company culture and values. In multinational companies, this can be more pronounced as onboarding may vary depending on the country that an employee works from. A consistent onboarding process is important so that everyone is on the same page from the very beginning. DeskAlerts can be used for training and onboarding purposes, delivering educational content and resources to employees, including those in remote or international locations.


DeskAlerts can significantly improve internal communication in multinational companies by providing a versatile and efficient platform for delivering messages, notifications, and critical information to a diverse and geographically dispersed workforce. Get in touch with our team of experts today to find out how you can improve business communication in your multinational organization with DeskAlerts.

How customized are the notifications within your multinational corporation?

Assess your existing communication strategies against DeskAlerts, a powerful notification system specifically designed for branding personalization, precise alerts, delivery across multiple channels, and more. Enhance your internal communications within the diverse and expansive corporate environment and ensure the safety and well-being of employees across different countries and cultures with customized notifications.

Schedule free online demo right now.

Online Demo


How can we improve communication at our company?

To improve communication at your company, consider implementing regular team meetings, using collaboration and other digital communication tools, setting clear communication expectations, fostering an open-door policy, providing training in effective communication and actively seeking and acting on employee feedback. By establishing a culture of transparency and inclusivity, you can also enhance overall communication.

How communication can be improved in a large organization?

In a large organization, communication can be improved through streamlining processes, setting clear hierarchies, establishing dedicated communication channels, providing regular updates from leadership, promoting cross-functional collaboration, delivering employee training in effective communication, establishing feedback mechanisms, and enshrining the use of communication technologies.

How do multinational companies communicate?

Multinational companies communicate through a combination of methods, including using digital communication tools like email, messaging apps, and intranets, video conferencing, regular team meetings, internal social networks, and using dedicated communication software. These tools help bridge geographical and cultural divides, ensuring effective communication across a diverse global workforce.

How can we communicate effectively in the global world?

To communicate effectively in the global world, it’s important to use clear and concise language, respect cultural differences, embrace diverse communication platforms, provide multilingual support, actively listen and understand local customs and norms.

What are the best communication strategies?

The best communication strategies depend on the context and desired outcomes of what is being communicated. However, some key principles are applicable, including active listening, clear and concise messaging, audience segmentation, choosing appropriate communication delivery channels, fostering open and transparent communication, and adapting to the audience's needs and preferences. Tailoring strategies to specific situations and objectives is crucial for success.

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