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3 min read

Best Internal Communications Practices

The way messages are communicated in organizations greatly affect the way everybody understand each other. For this reason, best practice internal communications are essential in creating effective employee interaction and collaboration in the company.

The backbone of any organization is its company culture. It is the glue that holds everybody together. To properly disseminate this information and achieve this goal, effective internal communications, tools and strategies must be in place.

It is not enough to show what you are communicating but it is also important that you know the effective ways of doing them.

Get your management and staff as well as your best practice internal communications team to work in it, be connected, get engaged and stay motivated . There are various internal communications strategies that company can implement to improve interaction and reach company goals. According to Elena Lathrop (2015), there are 15 best practice internal communications that organizations need to know and implement. We are going to discuss a few of them in this article:

1. The company needs to envision where it wants to go and the goals that needs to be achieved. A strategy that will help it address issues related to its vision, how it can achieve its goals and the types of internal communications plan can help achieve a more efficient and successful internal communications program.

2. Everybody is always busy. Senior management, office staff, and support staff as well, are always trying to perform their responsibilities at work. The last one they need is an internal communication system that adds burden to their already hectic schedule.

Use the best practice internal communications tools to provide the employees with the most important information they need to know. Among the tools that can be used are company chat software such as HipChat, or Slack. There may be a need to use cloud technology too, such as Google Drive. It is best to use only one and the same platform for everybody's use. The company might use Google apps for its email, calendars and documents platform.

3. By nature, people can easily grasp and retain information that have been presented in visuals rather than text. Most people are visual learners so make use of this information to create messages that they can easily grasp. Put screens in conspicuous places in the building to keep them informed of latest updates, reminders and even inspirational messages to brighten up their day.

4. Best practice internal communications should also be entertaining. Millennials describe work as being productive in a fun work environment and internal communications play a big part in this area.

5 To show progress, the best way is to include metrics. Quantifying and measuring performance can greatly help convey a comparison of previous and present performance and how far or near they are to the goals or standard to be reached. A digital signage that shows metrics can be used to motivate employees on various levels in the organization.

6 While internal communications focus on specific information to make them more effective, it should not succeed at the expense of sacrificing your company's missions and goals. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Ensure that the company's vision and mission and overall goals are included in emails, digital displays, newsletters, and other internal communication method.

7. One of the best weapons to build the best organizational culture through internal communication is providing an avenue for open and honest feedback. It is vital to a company's survival and success. It is not only the managers who will give feedback to the employees about their performance but even employees can also raise their suggestions and concerns through these internal communication tools.

8. Encourage collaboration not only within departments but also within all the groups in the organization. Effective communication is crucial for professional success whether it is interpersonal, inter- or intra-group, organizational or on the external level. Cross-departmental communications is the key that gives employees the chance to get to know each other.

9. Prevent communication overload from happening. Give the right information at the right time and in such a way that it connects people from each other. With the onset of the Internet and its various ways to distribute different messages and information, sometimes internal communications can become an impossible task. Companies need to ensure that their messages are kept simple and concise. Internal communications such as newsletters and emails should contain the right information and be sent only to those concerned.

If we take note of these suggestions, your company's internal communications are on the way to become an effective one that will greatly help in the company's success. Management as well as staff can understand each other more through the various effective internal communications tools and strategies.

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