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2 min read

Employee Survey Templates: Some Question You Can Use

Employee engagement surveys give management knowledge and understanding about what it is that employees value at work. Through surveys, the management gains insights into what can make positive impact on the employees’ experience at work and what it takes to turn these individuals into committed, dedicated and engaged employees. 

Using Surveys to Gain Deeper Employee Insights

Survey results show key indicators like employee attitudes, loyalty, passions, burnout tendencies, workplace climate and even competitive intelligence. All these allow the management to see into the things that affect employee turnover and retention, satisfaction, engagement and productivity.

Business owners who understand the importance of employee feedback use surveys to bring out the best in their employees. When the employees are at their best, they contribute more to the goals of the organization, therefore ensuring success for the company.

Is your survey valid?

To get true and valid results, the management must give employees surveys that are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the organization. Some managers do not realize this and use employee survey templates, instead. More often than not, these surveys yield data that are not really helpful in addressing the particular needs of an organization.

But that is not to say that employee survey templates are not helpful. Creating survey questions from scratch is difficult; there is always the risk of missing out on an item or two, which would make the data incomplete. This is where employee survey templates come to the rescue. You can use them as a guide for designing your own surveys.

Sample Employee Survey Template 

In this section we present a survey template used to measure how employees feel about their work and their value as members of the organization. The template contains questions you can use and modify according to your needs and goals.

Alignment between Personal and Company Goals

  1. Is my role in the organization clearly defined?
  2. Am I confident that the senior leaders are doing their best to ensure the company’s success?

Employee Empowerment

  1. Am I equipped with tools to accomplish my tasks well?
  2. Does my manager exert enough effort to find out what the employees think and feel about working for this company?
  3. Does my immediate supervisor communicate useful information to my teammates and me?
  4. Am I empowered to make decisions regarding my tasks?


  1. Does the organization inspire me to do my best everyday?
  2. Do my main tasks contribute to the success of the company?
  3. If I had the choice, would I still be working for the company 12 months from now?

Performance and Recognition

  1. Do I get the recognition and appreciation I deserve for a job well done?
  2. Will my continuous high performance enable me to advance in my career?
  3. Will my immediate supervisor take steps to address performance issues in our team?
  4. Does the management recognize exemplary performance?
  5. Can everyone regardless of their background (ethnicity, gender, age, religion) succeed in the company?

Management Support

  1. Does my immediate supervisor care for my welfare and that of my teammates?
  2. Is there mutual trust and respect between the people in the company?
  3. Do we put ethics over business objectives and results?
  4. Do I feel valued as a member of the company?

Growth and Development

  1. Is my immediate supervisor actively interested in the growth of my career?
  2. Do I receive constant feedback regarding my performance so I could improve on my weaknesses?
  3. Am I given enough opportunities for success?
  4. Did I receive enough training to do a quality job?

Customer Focus

  1. Is quality a top priority of the company?
  2. Will the quality of our offerings ensure customer satisfaction?
  3. Is there cooperation within teams and departments?
  4. Does customer preference play a role in the company’s decisions?
  5. Am I given authority to meet the customers’ needs? 

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all survey. You can only use templates like this as a guide. Most importantly, do not stop at the survey; make sure that you develop initiatives that will address the issues and opportunities seen from the survey results.

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