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2 min read

Essential Features of an Alert Notification System | DeskAlerts

Improving internal communication in your organization will help put you ahead of your competition in terms of productivity, profit, employee morale and staff retention. And one of the best ways to improve the way you communicate with your staff is via an alert notification system.

alert notification


Other electronic communications methods such as emails, intranet sites and SMS messages don’t always cut through the digital noise and clutter that employees are faced with in the hectic modern workplace.

And more traditional communication methods such as meetings, newsletters, posters and so on can’t always communicate with the urgency that is sometimes required, especially when many businesses are based in different locations and timezones and even countries.

An alert notification system is an interface that allows messages to appear instantly on the screens of your employees’ computers – no matter where they are located and no matter what software application they are using at the time.

They can be used from everything from communicating information about emergency situations - such as hurricanes, storms, fires, terrorist attacks, active shooters and other critical incidents – through to sending important corporate information, warning of IT systems outages and sending training and education materials.

But all alert notification systems aren’t created equally. If you’re looking to invest in one for your business, consider one with the following features, such as DeskAlerts:

Easy to use interface: Not everyone in your company who will send alert notifications will have the high levels of skills that your IT department has. An easy to use interface for staff of all technical abilities is essential so messages can be sent quickly, especially in an emergency.

Customization: With DeskAlerts, the appearance of your messages can be customized to be representative of your corporate branding, ensuring your communications with employees have the same look and feel and match all the other material you send out internally and externally.

Targeting: One of the fastest ways to annoy employees is to send them messages that are completely irrelevant to them. Your staff in City A don’t want to be sent event reminders for something that is happening in City B.

DeskAlerts lets you target which employees you send your communications to, meaning where appropriate you can target employees by geographic location, work teams or any other special interest group.

Scheduling: Automation is an important aspect for an alert notification system. When you know you have information to send staff at specific times, for example warning of a planned systems outage, you can schedule in advance to save yourself time later.

It also works well when you are targeting groups of employees based on their location in a global company so you can ensure they receive messages in business hours where they are located.

Supports video and multimedia: Video and multimedia content are very popular these days, and are a super effective way of communicating with both internal and external stakeholders. It’s important that any alert notification system you invest in is able to deliver messages to staff in these formats.

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