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2 min read

Five Tips to Make the Internal Newsletter Interesting to Employees

Why do companies publish internal newsletters? There are many reasons, from communicating important news and announcements to the highest ranking official to the lowest ranking employee. Having a company internal newsletter also fosters a sense of community within the organization. Most firms also use the internal newsletter to recognize achievers.

But with so many communication tools being used in the office, from e-mail to instant messaging systems, one of the challenges facing internal communicators is how to make their company internal newsletter read by the employees. And even if most newsletters today are available in electronic form, that doesn’t guarantee that employees will read them. After all, all it takes is a simple push of the delete key.

internal newsletters

So how do corporate communicators make their internal newsletters ‘readable’ to their target audience? Here are some tips:

1. Come up with relevant stories.

The typical office worker has tons of work to attend to that the internal newsletter should contain interesting and relevant articles to them. This would encourage them to spend a couple of minutes browsing the pages.

The articles should not only be relevant and interesting, but also timely. Don’t expect your readers to read about something they already know because it happened six months ago.

2. Make the stories easy to read.

Your stories may be relevant, interesting, and timely to the employees; but if these are too long then they would rather do something else. Again, employees are too busy at work that stories in a company internal newsletter should be short and straight to the point.

Aside from having short and concise stories, you can couple your articles with more images. People are more visual in nature. The human eye would rather look at images than blocks of text. Thus you’d rather make your stories shorter and easier to read by cutting down on the information and putting more photos.

3. Focus on the employees.

What would make an office worker read a newsletter even if he’s too busy at work? Seeing a feature on an officemate, that is. Readers will love to know more about an officemate recognized for a certain feat, such as helping the sales department achieve its sales quota or even for simple acts like returning the lost wallet of a colleague.

The company internal newsletter, after all, should focus on the employees. While management may often use it to relay important information such as message from the president and CEO, or news such as company financial performance, the internal newsletter should be made by and for the employees.

4. Headlines should catch attention.

An article may be interesting, relevant, and short, but if it doesn’t have an engaging headline then chances are employees will skip it.

When developing a headline, think of it as an advertising copy. It should be short yet clever. If you can come up with a headline that generates attention off the bat, then your story will be read by the employees.

5. Publication frequency should be consistent.

Imagine this—the previous issue of the company internal newsletter was well-received by the employees, with a lot of feedback on how great and engaging the stories were. But you fail to sustain the momentum by not having an issue in the next six months. Everything you’ve worked for goes kaput. Moreover, employees will forget that there’s actually an internal newsletter that the corporate communication team distributes.

So make your internal newsletter come on consistently--- whether it is once a week, once a month or once a quarter.

By following these tips, you can ensure that more employees will read your newsletter.

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