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2 min read

Five Ways to Practice Effective Communication in the Workplace

In as much as communication is an important part of your personal life, it also has great implications in your professional life. Just look back during those moments wherein miscommunication led to misunderstandings, friction and strife in both your personal and professional life.

Remember that having the right corporate communication strategies not only makes it easier to go about your tasks, it also helps you build better relationships with your team and colleagues.

Before you are able to practice effective communication at work, ask yourself these two questions:

1. Are you an effective communicator?

As manager, your corporate communication strategies show how you operate as a leader and how your staff members look at you. Remember that the way you communicate in the workplace requires a lot of consideration and thought, after all whatever and however you communicate doesn’t only affect you – it affects everyone else. Think about what communication platform you want to use, if you should do a group meeting or an individual chat session with each worker, and others. Think about whether you are saying enough or too much when you want to communicate with your staff.

2. What do you want to use corporate communication strategies?

Whether you are opting to create internal or external strategies, all organizations seek effective communication as it helps manage policies, resolve conflicts, builds company culture, and enhances and promotes employee productivity, morale and engagement. It is significant to remember that if you want to be successful as a company, you have to learn how to master different communication techniques, while, at the same time, leading your staff members to follow your example.

Effective Corporate Communication Strategies

It is important to note that each individual has a way of communicating, based on his or her beliefs and preferences. As an employer and leader, you have to find a balance between your own strategies and preferences and the way your employees communicate and accept messages. No matter the strategy, the following are five ways wherein you can practice effective communication in the workplace:

1. Listen.

A two-way process that requires the active participation of both the sender and receiver, communication is a loop that only meets its ultimate purpose when both parties are able to truly listen and respond to one another. Remember that communication is not only about talking, but about listening. It is about understanding the message and giving feedback. While this information seems basic, it is a vital note to remember as miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and friction in the workplace.

2. Take nonverbal communication into consideration.

Communication is not only about what you say, but how you say it and how you present it. Your body language, facial expression and other nonverbal cues relay messages. There is disconnect and confusion when what you say and how you say it don’t match.

3. Know your audience’s communication preferences.

As mentioned above, communication styles vary; therefore, in order to communicate properly with your audience, make sure that the channel you choose is the most effective so that you can relay your message effectively.

4. Be clear.

Make sure that you use the right language that is clear so that you do away with doubts and confusions. Don’t allow the possibility of misinterpretation and misunderstanding when you speak.

5. Be straightforward, concise and direct.

Remember that today’s employee is extremely busy and can only give you so much time of his day to listen to your message. Be straightforward, direct and concise. Don’t beat around the bush and waste time.

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