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2 min read

Internal Newsletter Content Suggestions

While creating a newsletter can prove to be a fairly easy task, making sure that the content you add to will generate interest can be challenging.

internal newsletter 

What you need to remember when coming up with internal newsletter ideas is that you need to have the mindset of an editor. This is because newspaper and magazine editors are pros when it comes to concocting content. Editors know what kind of content their publications need in order to not only attract readers, but to hold their attention. They know that their publications require content that is fresh, interesting and diverse. The mindset of a newspaper and magazine editor should also be utilized when creating internal company newsletters.

Here are some internal newsletter ideas you can use in your own company newsletter:

1. Letter from the President or CEO

This is one of the internal newsletter ideas that a lot of companies utilize. Letters like these humanize the leaders of the company as well as the organization itself. These letters make management seem more accessible, and therefore, more transparent and trustworthy.

2. Industry News

Newsletters are important channels to use when you want to inform your employees regarding what is going on in the industry your organization belongs to. This keeps everyone up to date, and therefore more updated so that they are more capable of doing the work they do.

3. Company News

Anytime anything occurs within or towards the company that is deemed to be newsworthy, these features should be added to the company’s newsletter. Features could range anywhere from company events or product launches to showcasing recent work done for a client.

4. Employee Profiles

Internal newsletter ideas not only puts a spotlight on employees, but also makes humanizes them as well. Profiles builds communities, and makes people feel that they are truly valued members of the organization.

5. Human Interest Stories

Considered as “soft” news, human interest stories may not be directly related to current company or industry news, but are potentially of interest to staff members. For example, you can add content about significant events within the company that occurred during its inception, or even write about what makes clients tick.

6. Editorials

These are opinion pieces typically written by the editor or senior staff member of the newsletter. Editorials feature reflections about the company or company issues.

7. Educational Features

While educational features are relevant to your employees, they can be totally unrelated to your company or industry, and are added simply because they generate interest. Stories that fall under this category can include how exercise increases productivity, or even what your eye colour says about your personality.

8. Announcements

Utilize your internal company newsletter to announce special events and launches within the company. Let your employees know what is going on in the company, and when these special events are occurring so that they themselves can make sure that they are part of these occasions.

9. Interviews

Add in interviews with management, industry leaders and experts or even clients so that your newsletter becomes more appealing to read. Content such as these give employees an insight into the thought processes and personalities of people who they look up to or are making a difference in the company or industry.

10. Regular Columns

Have columns that you regularly include in your newsletter. These columns can be written by those who usually contribute to your publication. Make sure that regular columns are unique and that they truly give off the personality of those who are in charge of writing them. The regularity if these columns will entice readers to always be on the lookout for the next release of your newsletter.

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