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2 min read

Communication Skills Managers Need

As a manager, there are certain communication skills that you need to practice in the workplace. Remember that a confident, open and consistent communicator who is confident connecting with employees also proves to be an effective leader. Being an effective leader means having the ability to boost employee morale and engagement, as well as creativity and productivity in the workplace.

A great way to figure out the communication skills you need as a manager is to come up with communication templates you can utilize when interacting with employees:

1. When you have to deal with an employee who is constantly late

If you have trouble with an employee who is constantly late despite the fact that you’ve reminded him or her about his or her tardiness. Once you’ve decided to talk with your staff member in a more formal way, here is one of the communication templates you can opt for:

  • Organize a meeting with your staff member.
  • Be specific about the occasions wherein he or she was late.
  • Ask for the reasons for his or her tardiness. Do not interrupt him or her. Listen and give him or her a chance to speak.
  • Document your meeting and place it in his or her file.
  • Give them a copy of the document and ask him or her to agree that he or she will no longer be tardy in the future.

2. Briefing a new hire

When you are inducting a new hire into the organization, here is a guide as to how you can brief him or her:

  • Make your new hire feel at ease and welcome him or her into the company.
  • Have a plan as to how you will orient him or her.
  • Be friendly and approachable, and do not leave him or her to fend for himself or herself.
  • Use an induction plan to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Friction between employees

When there is conflict between your staff members, here is one of the most effective communication templates you can opt for:

  • Organize a meeting with the whole team.
  • Ask your staff members to open up about their frustrations constructively.
  • Document the responses and come up with solutions or recommendations.
  • Get the team on board with a plan.
  • Do not take over the meeting, but act as a facilitator.
  • Document your plan and make it happen.

4. Commending an employee for a job well done

Not all conversations with employees will be difficult. Commending an employee is a positive interaction that can result in furthering employee morale and engagement.

  • Organize a meeting with your staff member.
  • Gather all the information that is related with the particular project you want to cite.
  • Be specific and generous with the feedback that you give your employee.
  • Explain how his or her role has greatly positively contributed to the company.
  • Be sure that you appear sincere and genuine in your appreciation.

5. Dealing with redundancy

There are times that you might need to talk with an employee regarding redundancy. Here is one of the communication templates you can opt for to show your support:

  • Organize a meeting with your staff member.
  • Make sure you have prepared a formal letter prior to the meeting so that your conversation has a structure and flow.
  • Prepare yourself for a negative reaction from your employee.
  • Listen to what he or she has to say, and to what he or she is feeling.
  • If he or she gets emotional, allow him or her to vent his or her emotions.
  • Do not make promises you cannot push through with.
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