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2 min read

Corporate Communication Solutions Every Company Needs

Changing times have pushed businesses to look into new corporate communication solutions they can utilize. Not only are these tools able to simplify management, they enable both manager and employee to be updated with each and every step of the work process. These tools improve communication and efficiency, enhance employee engagement, and increase productivity.

Here are some of today’s most important tools that every company needs:

1. File Sharing Programs.

Gone are the days that you have to email large files one at a time or physically give an employee a flash disk so that you can share files. File sharing programs such as Dropbox and Google Drive enable you to share and collaborate on documents in a timely manner. Corporate communication solutions  such as the two mentioned allow you to share your folders and files. Upload or update a file on Dropbox or Google Drive and the said file automatically uploads and updates on the shared person’s computer.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

A customer relationship management system allows you to keep track of sales, interactions with clients and prospective customers, and customer service and marketing supports. Corporate communication solutions such as this allows each and every member of the staff to be on the same page so that queries don’t get replied to several times, emails that need following up are followed up, and the voice of the company is kept consistent in each and every correspondence.

3. Project Management System (PMS).

Instead of old-school sticky notes, one of the best corporate communication solutions out there is the project management system. This system shows the workflow of the team and the task each and every member needs to undertake. A PMS not only updates each worker on the progress of the project, the table can also serve as a reminder of the tasks that need to be accomplished and when.

Redbooth and Worketc are two systems you can opt for.

4. Social Intranet Software.

Companies have to face challenges in work process such as too much paperwork, having no standardized policy for new hires and interns, and communication break down between employees. One solution to overcome these challenges is a social intranet software.

A social intranet software is a central portal wherein all employees are able to access information, communicate, and share contracts and documents. This accessibility and flexibility allows employees to work towards a particular goal, which then results in increased productivity and engagement.

5. Group Messaging and Chat.

Effectivity and efficiency in the workplace means that constant communication amongst employees and managers is required.

Group messaging and chat applications enable employees to communicate and collaborate at a quicker and much more efficient rate. These corporate communication solutions are especially true for employees who are spread out geographically.

Aside from allowing for easier collaboration, group messaging and chat programs also strengthen relationships amongst managers and team members.

6. Internal Blogs and Discussion Forums.

The sharing of information is as vital as learning new skills in the workplace. This can be done through internal blogs and discussion forums.

Internal blogs that contain training videos, messages from managers, and infographics inform and entertain employees. Blogs that are visually appealing and are able to communicate messages effectively are likely to increase employee engagement and retention.

On the other hand, discussion forums allow for open discussions on any topic which anybody in the company can participate in. Having an online space such as these don’t only allow for the dissemination of information, but helps in bringing everyone in the company closer together. Discussion forums also serve as a rich archive of organizational knowledge.

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