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2 min read

Effective Communication Tips to Create a Forward-Thinking Company

When managers and employers are able to communicate effectively with their staff members, they are able to tap into the distinct and remarkable insights, talents, skills and knowledge of their workforce. Benefits go beyond profit. The company becomes stronger, which, in turn, makes it more viable and resilient in time. Workers also tend to feel more at ease, more confident and happier, and they tend to go above and beyond the call of duty.

corporate communication

When improving internal communication, here are some of the things organizations focus on in order to create a corporate culture that is forward-thinking:

1. Improve and develop horizontal and vertical communication at work.

Horizontal communication is communication that occurs between peers, while vertical communication is communication that occurs between a manager and staff.

When improving internal communication, it is important to find tools that can streamline communication. Utilize tools and applications that make communication easier and more convenient. These tools can include instant messaging apps, email newsletters, and even desktop wallpapers and digital signage.

Solutions that also facilitate collaboration help significantly improve both horizontal and vertical communication. Not only do collaboration tools such as work management boards hold people accountable for their individual responsibilities, they also help keep people aware of deadlines, schedules, and important events. When people are informed and updated, they are better able to do their tasks and responsibilities.

2. Initiate and hold company-wide conversations.

Remember to hold company-wide discussions when you are looking into improving internal communication. Company-wide conversations can be held through different means, such as newsletters, instant messaging, SMS alerts, digital signage and even company workshops and training seminars. The important thing to take note of with these kinds of conversations is that its purpose is to keep all employees informed and to allow staff members to speak their minds. While it certainly is helpful to hear what employers and managers have to say about what is going on in the company, it is doubly important for them to be able to listen to and hear what staff members have to say. In as much as company-wide conversations is about informing, it is about empowering the workforce.

3. Create a budget.

For a communication plan or program to be successful, resources have to be made available to the team. When planning for a budget, communication managers and organizations should be able to see and weigh the importance of building stronger relationships with staff members, taking into consideration issues such as the costs of employee turnover, how engaged employees are with their work and the company they work for, the quality and development of their offerings, and customer loyalty and retention.

Planning for a budget requires complete honesty about the benefits and disadvantages of communication strategies. For example, in as much as a suggestion box hung on the wall may not cost much, employees may not be using the tool either. This then makes this fairly inexpensive tool ineffective in the long run.

It is then important to invest in methods that are effective and in solutions that send a powerful statement to employees when improving internal communication. It is about letting your workforce know that you value what they have to say.

4. Utilize leadership to create change.

Effective leadership is important when organizations want to create change. Managers and employers must be able to embody what they want their workforce to be – trustworthy, transparent, engaged and knowledgeable. They must be willing and able to listen, to collaborate and to actively participate in the daily operations of the organization. They have to be able to align their own personal work goals with the objectives of the company as a whole.

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