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The best way to ensure alert delivery in an organization

Should an emergency situation like fire, happen at work, you can send emergency alerts and preliminary safety instructions through a cloud-based emergency alert system.

Checking each employee in the aftermath. After the crisis, you can check on the safety of each employee without having to go through each table. You can just send them a pop-up window, asking them how they are doing, and require them to send an answer. You can even check if they have read the message through the confirmation feature. You can also send announcements and safety reminders through alerts after an emergency, whether you’d want them to go back to work or to instruct them all to go home.

Use Emergency Alert System to:

  • Send text, video and images as desktop alerts, mobile alerts, screensavers and wallpapers.
  • Send messages to groups and selected users with emergency notifications.
  • Send alerts with reading confirmation by dates, users and devices.
  • Schedule messages to defined dates and times – allowing to alert on known events such as meetings.

Natural disasters are unpredictable and much more unavoidable. However, your office and staff can always be prepared so as to minimize injuries come earthquakes, typhoons or any other calamities.

With an Emergency Alert System, you get to handle situations of crisis by:

  • Sending in Warnings. Blow-by-blow updates and warnings about storms, hurricanes or any other disaster at hand can keep your staff posted even if they are still inside the office doing work. Even if they are not tuned in any television news channel, they still get to be informed about what to expect from the coming typhoon, and in this way, they can be as prepared as possible.
  • Informing them of what-and-what-not-to-do’s. It will be beneficial for everybody if, from time to time, your emergency response team will send safety pre-cautions and reminders to all the staff. It could be what to do during earthquakes and floods. It could also be an information dissemination of emergency plans, fire exits and survival techniques.

How does an Emergency Alert System work?

Without an emergency alert system, you would have to call for an emergency meeting. You’d tell your secretary about it, and then she relays the message to your department heads and the heads calls on their staff. It takes time and a lot of effort relaying the important message to the entire workforce.

With an emergency alert system, you get to benefit from the following:

  • Multiple Alerts. If it is an emergency, it must be sent and read right away. Emergency notifications can be sent through different platforms all at once, which assures you that your staff got the message the quickest time possible.
  • Pop-up Windows. Alerts can be sent simultaneously to all your staff’s desktop as a pop-up window. Whether they are busy doing something, it shows up in their desktop and it is impossible not to notice. The rich-text format of messages allows you to adjust the font’s style, color and size to add emphasis and urgency especially in messages of top importance.
  • Emails and SMS. You can also send alerts through emails and text messages. This is perfect for workers who are usually mobile or in the field, as they have their phones to check on reminders, instructions and other emergency notifications from their superiors.
  • Urgent Alerts. You can send your emergency messages and set it on urgent alerts so that it goes on top of any other alerts on queue. Emergency alerts appear on your worker’s desktop even if it is inactive, locked or on screensaver.
  • Repetitive Messages. If it is that urgent, you can set how many times you want the message to appear on their desktops. This is to make sure that they have no excuse not to be notified. Repeated notifications give emphasis and urgency on such important messages.
  • Confirmation. Emergency alert system also allows you to see whether your staff has gotten and read the message through its confirmation feature.
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