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2 min read

How Management Can Use Pop Alerts to Communicate with Staff

In a normal working day, employees are so busy that managing to accomplish everything that needs to be finished becomes extremely taxing. The hectic day-to-day operations make it difficult for managers to get the attention of staff members. This is the reason why many companies opt to invest in notification systems – ingenious tools that aid in communicating with employees even if they don’t have enough time in the day to attend to anything other than work.

More and more, pop-up alerts are being used in organizations as tools to communicate with busy employees. Pop-up alerts are powerful avenues to use if you want your message to reach recipients without being missed or ignored.

desktop alert

These notification systems can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

1. Activity Reminder

Notification systems enable management to notify and promote company events and important activities. The HR department, corporate communications department and other departments can work with the IT department to send out and deliver pop-up alerts to the computers of employees so that they are instantly made aware of upcoming activities and events such as product launches, charity events or even after-work get-togethers with other staff members.

By simply utilizing desktop alerts, senders are assured that events are more likely to be well-attended by the workforce.

2. Product or Service Reminder

Through the utilization of desktop alerts, organization can easily and instantly inform its employees about new offerings. When staff members are too busy with work and with meeting deadlines, they may not notice the launching of new services or products. With pop-up alerts, they are instantly informed of the new offerings and how they can market the said products and services to existing and potential clients.

3. Urgent IT Bulletins

The IT department is capable of sending important advisories to employees through pop-up alerts. Should the email server go down, or should other technical issues plague the system, the IT team can immediately inform employees of the difficulties through desktop alerts. This lessens the frustrations employees feel, and lessens the calls the IT department gets from disgruntled staff members. This is also applicable when a virus attacks the network. Rather than calling each and every department, the IT department can simply send notifications to all computers. This prevents the further spread of the virus while the IT team attempts to contain the issue and cure the system.

While pop-up alerts are certainly useful, particular messages are not appropriate to send over this medium. And remember that while it is okay to send information such as wellness reminders, corporate news and financial figures through every so often, make sure not to overdo it. Overdoing pop-up alerts can lead to annoyance. Utilize other communication tools as well when delivering messages, such as email or corporate newsletters.

4. Emergency Alert

In the occurrence of an emergency, such as an earthquake, fire or even terrorist attack, notification systems such as pop-up alerts or desktop alerts are indispensable. These tools allow management to notify employees so staff members can, in turn, take immediate action.

Notifications pop up in the screens of all employees who are part of the network. This assures companies that they are doing all they can to secure the safety of their workforce during instances of emergencies such as storms, fires, terrorist attacks, earthquakes and other incidents and calamities.

Pop-up alerts are certainly helpful tools to use in the workplace, especially if you need your employees to be informed about urgent and important news. Just make sure not to overdo it or overuse this communication tool.

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