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2 min read

How to Make the Internal Newsletter Interesting to Employees

Creating great content for the company internal newsletter on a regular basis can be a tough task for many corporate communicators, even the experienced ones. After all, coming out with stories on a monthly basis can drain one’s creative juices. This can result to a bland, uninteresting issue which would be met lukewarmly by the readers.

internal employee newsletter

Even the regular publication or uploading of stories from the management can make the company internal newsletter unexciting to the typical reader. The internal newsletter should never be treated as a propaganda piece by the leadership. As much as possible, keep corporate rules and guidelines out of the employee newsletter. Doing so can make employees less thrilled about reading the piece.

If you’re having a hard time identifying stories for your company internal newsletter, here are some tips to breathe life into an otherwise dull and boring publication:

1. Deliver interesting stories to the employees

The main readership of the company internal newsletter will always be the employees. Although the company internal newsletter may also be given to clients and other stakeholders, it will remain to be a communication tool between management and the workforce.

Thus, always think of stories that will be interesting to the employees. Readership will be optimized when the newsletter delivers something that is beneficial to the employees.

Employee success stories will always be interesting to the readers. Coordinate with the HR about stories on top performing employees, as well as those who have served the company the longest. These stories will intrigue the rest of the organization and employees naturally would want to read something about their colleagues.

Another way to do this is to write about success stories made by lower-ranking workers. It doesn’t always have to be about success in the workplace. Overcoming personal struggles, family accomplishments, among others, are some of the interesting angles that you can work on. Moreover, focusing on lower-ranking employees gives them recognition and positive reinforcement. It serves as a model for other employees to follow.

2. Encourage employees to contribute articles

As much as possible, involve your employees in the development of the company internal newsletter. Make them feel that they are part of the editorial team. Encourage them to contribute articles. Ask for their suggestions for topics, although these have to be approved by the corporate communications head.

3. Promote company pride

The company internal newsletter should be a medium that builds company pride. You probably know that publishing articles about company recognition are a given in any company newsletter. But there are other ways to make your employees feel good that they are part of the company. Articles about prestigious new client accounts, employees that have achieved recognition outside of the company or are active in socio-civic organizations, are some of the ideas that you can play with.

4. Invite ‘contributors’

Creating content can be exhausting for some of your colleagues. But if you can create a guest section where other employees, officers, and even suppliers can contribute columns, then you can help lessen the workload on the writers while give an opportunity for others in the organization to show their talent in writing.

Contributors aren’t expected to write Pulitzer-winning pieces. Their stories may be simple yet useful to the readers like tips to improve productivity. The IT boss, for example, can share tips on how to use the email effectively. The company’s resident doctor, meanwhile, can discuss how some of the common diseases can be prevented. Look around in your company and you’ll be surprised at the number of talents that you can tap for your company internal newsletter.

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