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2 min read

How You Can Be a Better Communicator at Work

Being a good communicator can help you get ahead in work. However, while everyone aims to become better communicators, the challenge can prove to be tricky – especially if the people you interact with and the situations you are in are not exactly ideal for proper and effective communication to occur.

However, while things may prove to be challenging in the workplace, here are some of the concrete ways you may opt for when improving communication:

1. Consider the outcome of interactions.

Before you communicate with your employees, think of the possible outcomes which may occur after. Think of queries such as what actions you want others to take after your communication efforts, and how you want employees to react and feel following your interaction. Considering the possible outcomes not only helps you when it comes to improving communication, it also helps you create the most effective and efficient communication method you can in order to relay your intended message.

2. Be confident instead of being arrogant.

The most effective communicators are confident. They know what they are talking about, and those who are listening to him or her are reassured by his or her knowledge and competency.    However, arrogant communicators tend to turn other people off. Show-offs who flaunt their intellect and power are merely tending to their ego instead of effectively communicating with their employees.

When improving communication, make sure to avoid a condescending tone and avoid using hifalutin terms that your audience may not understand. Instead, use strong acting words, maintain eye contact and be personable.

3. Master the art of listening.

The best communicators are the best listeners. The art of listening is challenging. It may prove to be difficult to allow someone to share their own opinions and thoughts, especially if you disagree with them. Listening entails allowing other people to talk while avoiding commentary and interruptions. Instead, good listening entails asking open ended questions to follow-up on thoughts and ideas that were shared. This not only shows respect for what was said, but for the person who shared his or her ideas.

4. Develop a good reputation.

People tend to listen to people they trust. While developing a good reputation can take some time, it is one of the best ways one can opt for when improving communication.

Remember that your place and title in the company doesn’t automatically give you a good reputation, and it doesn’t automatically make people respect and trust you. Make sure to work hard to deliver what you promise and to deliver what you promise with integrity. Doing these things helps garner for you a reputation that will urge people to trust you, and therefore, listen to what you have to say.

5. Think about timing.

Remember that there is a time and place for everything. Be mindful of situations and of how other people feel. For example, a staff meeting is not the best occasion for you to bring up questions regarding an employee’s request for a maternity leave; instead, it is best to talk with the said employee in private. When you are able to communicate with people when they are more receptive, the more likely they are able to fully digest and act on the message you are giving to them.

6. Build relationships.

Instead of simply having communication as your ultimate goal, strive to build relationships in the workplace. Building relationships will not only help you further the message you want to relay, but will also further strengthen your bonds with your staff members. This will then allow your relationship to be more dynamic and open.

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