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2 min read

Why is Internal Communications Important?

Internal communications are vital to the success of any organization. While it is extremely important for management to inform their employees of the mission and vision of the company, internal communications also allow employees a voice, which consequently, makes them feel more empowered and more part of the organization.

Poor communication, on the other hand, leads to miscommunication, discord and chaos, which then translates to less productivity and a decrease in employee engagement. When poor communication occurs, a company will struggle and the chances of succeeding will be slim.

While some companies develop their internal communication strategy simply by chance, others think about it from the get-go and come up with a definite strategy on how to effectively communicate with their staff members. Some strategies will prove effective, while others may not be as successful; however, having a clear plan on how to go about creating a dynamic between employer and employees will give the company a bigger chance of success.


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Here are the reasons why a proper internal communications plan should be properly laid out by any organization:

1. Company values are better understood.

With better understanding comes better implementation. When leaders and supervisors are able to make very clear to staff members what the business is about and what it stands for, employees are able to better internalize their work. It’s much easier to work towards a goal when employees know the purpose that drives them.

Also, understanding and consequently taking on the values of the company will give employees a sense of belonging and camaraderie. They will feel valued, which, in turn, will make them motivated to work harder and be more productive.

2. Purposeful work and increased productivity.

Effective internal communication can turn a job into one’s life’s work. Being able to communicate with your employees properly will make them feel like their work is meaningful and that they are valued members of the organization. When work has a purpose and an employee is empowered, he or she finds his or her identity in the job. Finding this identity then leads to more engagement, more commitment and more productivity.

3. Useful and valuable feedback.

Employee feedback is vital in realizing what needs to stay the same and what needs to change in the company. Through employee feedback, work processes can become more efficient and leaders can adjust work habits in order to meet the needs of those who work tirelessly for the business.

4. Staying connected.

Constant communication between staff members, management and leaders should be prioritized. This constancy ensures that employees continue to be satisfied with their careers and continue to be motivated to do well in their jobs. Aside from strengthening the resolve of employees to commit to their work and company, staying connected fosters trust and transparency between employer and employee. Constant communication may take a lot of effort, but it certainly pays off in the end.

5. Internal communications create a culture of open communication in the workplace.

Communication will not always be perfect, and no matter how well planned a strategy is, there will be certain ideas that won’t be as effective as others. However, just the fact that there is a plan in place proves that leaders of a company are truly concerned about the people who work under them.

Employees aren’t mere spectators. They are active members of an organization who should also be let in on what is occurring in the company they are working for. An open and genuine line of communication motivates employees to not only rally for their leaders, but for the company as a whole.

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