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6 min read

9 New Employee Announcement Ideas

new employee announcement

When a new employee joins your company, sending an email to the rest of the organization can help to ease the new recruit into their position by letting everyone else know they are coming, what they will be doing and where they will be doing it. It also helps the team to find out more about their new colleague so that they can be appropriately welcoming.

Table of contents

Why are employee announcements important?

What to include in an employee announcement message?

Five new employee announcements examples

Ideas to communicate new employee announcements

Using a multichannel approach to new employee announcements

Why are employee announcements important?

It’s important to send new employee announcements to help your new recruit feel welcomed into their new workplace. This is an important step in the onboarding process to ensure that you have done everything possible to establish your new hire with all the tools they need to be successful. Letting people know that they will be joining the organization and what work they will be doing will enable them to hit the ground running and contribute to establishing them for success.

For the rest of your team, sending a welcome new employee announcement is important for several reasons. It helps to keep people informed about changes and developments within the company, which is important for productivity and engagement. Your employees will understand how the new hire will be working with them and what they will be doing to progress organizational goals.  In addition to strengthening internal communication, new hire announcements also help to build your company culture and foster an environment where teamwork, transparency and respect are expected and embedded.

What to include in an employee announcement message?

There are key pieces of information that are important to include in an employee announcement message. This includes:

  • The employee’s full name and any preferred name. Eg: Robert Smith, likes to be called Bob.
  • What their job title will be.
  • What department/team they’ll be working with.
  • Who they are replacing, if applicable.
  • If this is a brand new role.
  • What work they will be responsible for.
  • Where they will be located.
  • When they will start.
  • Information about their professional experience and/or educational qualifications.

Sending your new employee a brief questionnaire before they start in their new role can help you to get the information you need to include in the new employee announcement.

Five new employee announcements examples

To make it easier for you to send announcements welcoming your new employees, we’ve produced a few new employee announcement examples that you can adapt and use to suit your own needs:

New employee announcement sample 1:

Hello team!

I’d like to welcome our newest member of the team, Amy McDonald!

Amy joins us next Monday as an accounting specialist and will join the finance team.  She’ll be based in the Chicago office and will be working with Judy Johnstone, who will be her manager. Her first day will be 18 October.

Amy is a CPA and has an MBA from Yale University. She’s worked in similar roles with major corporations including ABC, XYZ and EFG.

We’re excited to have Amy come on board. Please reach out to her if you need assistance with reconciling your accounts. Her details are or you can call her on extension 1234.

New employee announcement sample 2:

Good morning everyone,

I have some great news to share. It’s with pleasure that I announce James (Jim) Brown will be joining our team as a sales manager on 21 January! 

Jim will work with the sales team headed up by Carmen Santiago to expand our business operations to the west coast. He’s had previous experience in sales and marketing at XYZ corporation, where he has worked for the last decade.  We are thrilled that Jim is coming on board!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself to Jim and make him feel welcome. 

New employee announcement sample 3:

Dear team,

I’m pleased to announce that Michelle Spencer will be joining us at ABC Company as our new marketing coordinator, replacing Samantha Green who is going on maternity leave for 12 months. Michelle’s first day will be on 1 May, and she will have some handover with Samantha before she begins her leave on 5 May.

Michelle is a recent graduate of HIJ University and has interned at several not-for-profit organizations including EFG and LMNOP.  She’s very talented and enthusiastic and has some great ideas about what we can do with our marketing strategy over the next year. 

Please make Michelle feel welcome. She’ll be sitting at Samantha’s old desk in the marketing department. Samantha will be introducing her to everyone when she begins next week.

New employee announcement sample 4:

I am happy to announce that Melinda Yang will be joining the ABC Company team as an executive assistant to the Head of Legal, Nancy Baldwin.

Melinda’s first day will be 15 June. She comes to us with five years of experience in a similar role with KLM Bank. 

Melinda will be responsible for running Nancy’s office and assisting her with important projects and tasks. Please join me in extending Melinda a warm welcome.

New employee announcement sample 5:

Hello everyone,

I’m glad to be able to announce that we will be joined by Ivan Grubic who takes over the role of systems analyst on  31 October.

Ivan comes to us from BGF company where he has spent the last three years ensuring continuity of business processes. He graduated from Cityname University in 2015 with a degree in information technology, and his special interest area is determining redundancies in system processes to improve efficiencies.

Ivan will be a great addition to our team as we hope to streamline our services and drive digital transformation. Please make him feel welcome!

Ideas to communicate new employee announcements

Whether or not you use one of the new hire announcement examples above, there are different ways to introduce a new employee to the organization, outside of sending an all-staff email notification. These can include:

  1. Taking your new recruit around for one-on-one introductions on their first day
  2. Introducing them at the next company-wide meeting (if you have one)
  3. Hosting a team gathering such as a coffee morning or lunch where the new employee can be introduced
  4. Welcoming them and including their picture on the home page or news feed of the company intranet
  5. Sending a pop-up alert to computers letting people know that the new person has joined the team
  6. Using audience segmenting to send new employee announcements only to relevant team members. For example, if you have 1000 people in your company and have hired a temp in one of your 10 offices, you may only want to communicate that with the office they will be working at as well as anyone else who will interact with them on a regular basis
  7. Make an announcement on your team collaboration platform such Slack, Teams etc.
  8. Introduce them via the company newsletter
  9. Include a picture of the new staff member with their name on a bulletin board or digital signage so that other team members can put a face to the name and say hello when they see the new hire.

Using a multichannel approach to new employee announcements

Using more than one method of announcing a new employee is a great way to ensure that everyone who needs to know about the new person actually gets the message that they are starting.

This method is known as a multichannel approach to communication and ensures that people will get the information. With the rise of remote working, there isn’t always an opportunity for new hires to be taken around and introduced to every team member one-on-one. 

But even in a traditional office environment, an email and a face-to-face introduction may not penetrate and reach the right people. For example, if someone works part time or is always on the road, they may not see the email about the new hire and may also not be in the office on the day the person is introduced. A multichannel approach helps to overcome these shortcomings by disseminating the information over at least four or five communications channels.

DeskAlerts is a great system to use when you are taking a multichannel approach to communicating a new team member announcement. The system is designed with a range of tools and channels to take advantage of to ensure that no matter what your message is, or who you want to reach within your organization, DeskAlerts will be the right solution.

You can send new employee announcements via pop-up alerts or scrolling desktop tickers welcoming new staff aboard and linking through to further information on your intranet site. DeskAlerts can also be used to send email messages simultaneously with other types of messages, making sure that your messages will get through.


Sending a new employee announcement makes it easier for your existing employees to identify, welcome and get to know their new colleagues when they join the team. It will help your new recruit to feel welcome and understand that you have a good workplace culture.

People frequently ask these questions about new employee announcements:

What is a new employee announcement email?

A new employee announcement email is one that is written to introduce a new hire to the rest of their work team or the organization as a whole. It serves to let your existing employees know about the person who will be joining them and what work they will be doing, and when they will join the team.

Why is the new employee announcement email important?

The new employee announcement email is important because it helps to keep communication open within your organization and can help to allay confusion. The sudden presence of a new recruit won’t be a surprise to people because they will already know who that person is and what they will be doing. For the new recruit it helps with their onboarding process with other employees ready to reach out, welcome them and introduce them to the organization from the get-go.

How do you write a new employee announcement?

To write a new employee announcement you should include information about the employee including their name, the title of the role they’ll be doing, when they’ll be starting, what work they’ll be doing, where they will be located, what team they’ll be working with, information about their professional and educational background and contact details where appropriate.

How do you introduce a new employee?

There are several ways to introduce a new employee to the team. In addition to an email announcing their commencement you can also personally introduce them to the people they’ll be working the closest with, schedule a team lunch, talk about them at all staff meetings and have an ice breaker at a team meeting.

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