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2 min read

Solutions You Can Use for Effective Internal Communication

Effective internal communication is critical in an organization, not just so you could understand everyone and make sure everyone is on the same page. It is also an important factor in engaging employees, which is one of the main drivers of success in any organization.

Fostering Effective Internal Communication 

How do you create effective internal communication? Today , there are many solutions and trends you can use to enhance internal communication. While it is good to always be updated with the trends, enhancing internal communication is not just about following the trends all the time; it is also about using the tools well to create the best results. That said, here are the top five trends that help improve communication in an organization:

1. Survey. Surveys and questionnaires serve as a good way to find out what your employees think and feel about your leadership, your company policies and the solutions they use to perform their daily tasks. Surveys can also answer questions about how happy and engaged your staff is about their jobs. Although surveys have been around for a very long time, they still work because they give your employees a voice. Through surveys, you gain insights about the general pulse so you can devise better ways of running the company, dealing with employees and driving engagement.

2. Internal newsletters and blogs. Blogs and newsletters written for customers increase your visibility as a company and helps you position your brand. Blogs and newsletters work for your staff, too, by serving as a reminder for upcoming events and calling their attention to policy changes, safety protocols and similar important matters. As such, your internal blog or newsletter must be designed properly with valuable content and striking graphics and visuals. You must consistent with your posts, so plan them in advance. Also remember that you must continuously update or delete posts that are no longer relevant to avoid confusion, in case some of your employees like to back read.

3. Videos. Not to be overdone, videos are a great strategy for getting and retaining attention. Written updates are beneficial, but videos – when used strategically – can do a better job in certain situations. Videos are especially helpful if you need to roll out new procedures, or to simplify complex explanations.

4. Customer feedback. Your employees need feedback - not just from your but from the customers as well. Your staff needs to know how they are performing. Do they delight the customer? Do they need to change? Making customer feedback available to employees is a good way of upping their game and making them more engaged with what they do. Customer feedback also gives them the opportunity to know what they can do to make customer service better. Customer feedback also helps you identify the kind of support you need to give your staff, in order to help them do their tasks properly.

5. Omni-channel. More than just a buzzword, using a multi-channel experience will help you cater to the growing population of millennials in your company. Today’s workers communicate through different means – SMS, IM, social media and various applications. It is therefore important to give them a seamless experience through these channels. Got something important that you need everyone to know? Use memes, write engaging content, or make social media posts that everyone can discuss about in a cerebral manner.

Follow these tips to foster effective internal communication in your organization. Fire up your internal communication and see how it affects your efficiency and productivity, allowing you to achieve your company goals.

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