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2 min read

Simple Strategies You Can Implement for Effective Communication at Work

Effective communication is integral in any organization. Without it, achieving a shared vision will be impossible. Workers would be at a loss on what the company aims to achieve, and management will not have the support that it needs from the staff.

Strategies for effective communication

But it’s also a fact that effective communication is not always achieved in the workplace. If communication in the workplace is something you’re concerned about, here are the top strategies for effective communication that you ought to keep in mind:

1. Listen first

One of the most effective strategies for effective communication is to listen.

To be able to know your colleagues, you should be a good listener. Listen to what the person next to you is saying. Avoid interrupting the speaker. Don’t assume that you already know what your colleague is going to say next. Simply put, give the speaker or a co-worker undivided attention to fully understand what he or she needs.

2. Read body language

Some people aren’t expressive enough to tell you what they need, but their body language can give you clues. For example, a co-worker may tell you that she can meet a deadline you set but the wringing of her hands may indicate otherwise. It could simply be a case of the person afraid to tell you she can’t make the due date.

3. Use multiple communication channels

Some channels are simply more appropriate depending on the situation and the desired goals. For example face-to-face contact is extremely important at scheduled meetings. Mobile advisories are more appropriate for people who are always on the go.

But the use of multiple communication channels can be considered one of the best strategies for effective communication in the workplace. By doing so, you can be assured that you can deliver whatever message management has for the staff.

For example, an announcement about a new HR policy can be communicated through email, desktop alerts, newsletter, and even over the PA system.

4. Be professional

Getting along with your officemates should not mean you should be too casual on the job. Make sure that your meetings, phone calls, and emails are professionally done or conducted. Don’t curse in the office. Being too casual may make other people aroud you uncomfortable.

5. Give constructive criticism

Another of the most often recommended strategies for effective communication is keeping criticisms constructive. If you’re supervising others you want them to do their best. Ensure that your comments are constructive, and that the person you’re talking with understands what you’re trying to say. Don’t give comments when you are emotionally charged as your words may sound too strong or hurtful to your colleague.

6. Follow up when needed

You can politely remind your colleagues about tasks that have to be accomplished. This way, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the accomplishment of a shared goal. You’d also want to check that every message you sent has been received, and the best way to do so is to follow up.

7. Consider your tone

When composing an email message or even posting on social media, make sure that your tone is professional. One of the problems with these two communication channels is that it can be difficult to determine the tone. Your message may come off as overbearing or angry.

So avoid writing when you’re angry or upset, and ensure that your language is clear. Moreover, you can meet the person instead so that your message won’t be misinterpreted.

By following these simple strategies for effective communication you can be sure that you can communicate well with anyone in the office, and that miscommunication will be minimized if not completely avoided.

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