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2 min read

The Components of Communication in the Workplace

Organizations seek to create a workplace that is successful. In order for any work environment to be successful, communication must be present. When communication is present, organizations can make a determination of what strategy or tool (such as a mass notification system, the intranet, newsletters, group meetings, and others) will be the most appropriate to use and on which occasion. 

For communication to take place in the workplace, there are six components that should be present. While the first five have something to do with the action of communication itself, the sixth component is where the action takes place.

1. The person sending the message.

Whether it be a manager of employee, the person relaying the message should be able to communicate clearly and with sufficient detail so that the receiver of the message is able to accept the message as it was intended to be accepted. The sender should be aware of how clear he or she is no matter if the communication tool or platform he or she uses is a mass notification system, an instant messaging app, or even a face-to-face team meeting.

2. The message context.

The message context refers to how a message is delivered by the sender. In as much as the message itself is important, context emphasizes how vital nonverbal communication is as well. Remember to be aware of your body language, facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice. Also, your emotions have a great effect on whether or not you are successful in sharing or relaying your message.

While context for platforms wherein the receiver can hear or see the sender is important, it may not be particularly relevant for avenues wherein the sender is not heard or seen, such as email, instant messaging or a mass notification system.

3. The individual receiving the message.

In order for a receiver to get the true essence of a message, it is not enough for the sender or speaker to be clear. The receiver must be able to practice the art of active listening. If there is trust between the two parties, effective communication is more likely. In order to truly understand the message, the receiver may paraphrase particular information shared by the sender in order to confirm whether or not what the receiver heard was what was intended.

4. The delivery chosen to send the message.

This is chosen based on which method is deemed to be most effective when conveying the message. Remember that communication tools and platforms have become so varied and diverse that this component may actually prove to be the most challenging. The method must be able to cater to both the sender and receiver and must be appropriate to the message that will be relayed.

Communication methods and platforms include interpersonal communication, desktop wallpapers, a mass notification system, SMS, telephone, memos, instant messaging applications and others. Take note that these communication tools will continuously evolve and expand, and employees will continue to adapt and grow with them.

While technology further pushes communication efforts to the future, remember that there is still value in in-person and face-to-face communication. This is because not only does it give you the method, it also provides you with the context of the message.

5. The content of the message.

This should be presented clearly and concisely. Enough details should be given along with the message itself so that the receiver is able to fully understand what is intended to be relayed.

6. The overall environment of the workplace.

When a workplace is conducive to communication and interaction, it presupposes that the work environment is one that is open and transparent. When a work environment is open and transparent, employees are more likely to get involved in communication efforts, and they are likely to be engaged and productive.

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