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3 min read

The Power of Corporate Communication Training

In this digital age, more and more companies recognize the importance of effective communications, thus investing on various internal communications tools. Aside from the focus on communications strategy and tools, it is also equally important to invest in corporate communication training to manage the corporate culture and sustain the organization communication initiatives of the company.

corporate training

Employees are the direct users of the communications technology and they directly interact with stakeholders and customers. Hence, they should embody the corporate brand and communicate the company’s values as much as existing traditional marketing communications. The synergy between the company values and employees’ effective practice of this through ongoing internal and external communication is critical to the success of every company. At the end of the day, effective communication keeps the workforce engaged, as a result helping companies provide aligned values to customers and deliver committed financial results to stakeholders. Thus, a degree of attention should be given to corporate communication training.

Below are some of the top reasons why you should invest in effective corporate communication training:

Employees are your walking and living brand ambassadors. They represent your company, your product and your values. Effective communications training can be tailored according to the role the employees play in the organization. Is the employee on a usual face-to-face dialogue with customers? Is the employee’s role focused on coordinating with stakeholders? Or is the employee directly reporting to Executive Management? All of these affect the style of communication the employees should be trained of. Given the right training, employees will be empowered to act based on changing business conditions according to company values.

Effective communication drives performance. Effective communications improve employee efficiency therefore company productivity. Employees trained in communications will be able to communicate concerns and recommendations timely and proactively. If an item needs to be decided upon immediately, empowered employees will know how to create and send notifications, meeting requests or mobile messages. Therefore, the training of employees must include discipline and the reason behind every general direction. Effective corporate communication training includes continuous firm communication through company updates on intranets, blogs, email and social media.

Trained employees will be empowered to act based on changing business conditions. Emergency situations call for speed and accuracy of information distribution. We cannot emphasize more on the importance of time commodity. It can be a make or break between a sale and a missed opportunity. Employees employed on different geographical locations are ideally empowered to communicate both orally and in writing to customers and partners in the same location. These employees working in foreign countries are also expected to know the local customs, culture and local language of the location to develop a good rapport with potential working partners. In this regard, effective communications training will ideally include teaching employees the communication tools, how to use it and what to use for every emergency.

Furthermore, good communicators are also essential in high-stress and fast-paced environments as these are prone to poor communication owing to a sense of urgency and an obsession with time management. Stress levels can shorten the patience of employees manifested in interrupting people in conversations or difficulty to finish other people’s sentences. Effective corporate communication training includes ability to manage emotions and professional actions in tense and stressed environments.

Effective communication skills raise employee competency and efficiency. Employees generally want to be recognized for their strengths and performance. To improve individual performance, companies put premium on enhancing employees’ communication skills. Employees directly reporting to Management are trained how to make a compelling report and presentation. They are trained how to write succinctly via e-mail or propose a plan in a way the audience will understand. Sales employees are trained how to sound persuasive but not intrusive when pitching a product or a campaign. Employees who know what to do and how to communicate effectively will function well in complex business environments.

Employees who are great communicators will make the best of company leaders. Some of the Human Resource Managers nowadays include the skill to communicate effectively and respond in changing conditions as one of the requirements in hiring. The subset of interpersonal skills such as being able to inspire others, mediate conflict and relate well with colleagues, Management and stakeholders are some of the high-demand professional traits.

One of the characteristics of great leadership is being responsive regardless of the situation whether it is positive or negative. Positive actions are reinforced and detrimental actions are called for correction. For employee management, strengths are recognized while weaknesses are addressed. In both scenarios, it is important to be objective and open-minded. This clear and open communication will essentially contribute to a healthy working environment, resulting in satisfied employees, low turnover rate, high efficiency and therefore high company productivity.

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