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2 min read

Top Questions That Should be on Every Employee Poll

The employee engagement survey is perhaps the best way to gauge employee attitude towards their work. In fact, best practice and insight firm CEB says that 92 percent of companies run employee surveys and that 8 out of 10 senior leaders believe that the conduct of such polls is critical in achieving corporate goals.

If your company has never implemented an employee poll, or has not done one in many years, perhaps it is time to do so. An employee engagement survey can do a lot of wonder for your company.

If you have been tasked to spearhead the conduct of an employee engagement survey, you would be happy to know that it isn’t really rocket science to formulate questions. You can look for employee survey templates online. In case your unit has the budget to do so, hire a third party to conduct the employee poll instead.

Conducting an employee engagement survey is particularly important if your company is dominated by millennials. With the number of employees born from 1980 to 1997 expanding each passing year, it has become critical to engage them or risk losing them to other firms.

There are also some employee survey templates questions that you should incorporate in the poll. These include:

1. Do you see professional growth in this organization?

For many employees, professional growth and career development is very important. This is particularly true for millennial employees. The Employee Engagement Trends Report, in fact, says that professional growth and career development opportunities is the top engagement driver for the young employees. If they don’t see any chance to advance in their careers, they are likely to be engaged in their jobs and more likely to look for another.

2. Is there open communication between managers and employees?

Workers want and demand honest and open communication from their supervisors and leaders. Numerous studies have indicated how important honesty is particularly to younger employees. One study, the Millennial Branding poll, showed that more than 50 percent of millennials say honesty is the most important quality in a good leader.

This only goes to show that employees, particularly the young ones, want their managers to be open and honest to them. Open and honest communication is critical to engaging and retaining employees.

One way to address this concern is to share the results of the employee survey you are about to conduct. Aside from sharing the employee poll results, leadership must also commit to acting on the employee suggestions and comments.

3. What are the things the company could do to manage your work-life balance?

Career development may be important for millennials, but it doesn’t mean they want to be corporate slaves. They want to have a good work-life balance as well. By asking this question, you will know what the younger employees want from the company.

4. Do you feel that your opinions count in this organization?

Employees do want to be heard in an organization, regardless of their position in the company. They would want to be part of a firm that values their opinions, and for leadership to act on their suggestions.

These are just four questions you want to be included in employee survey templates. While there are many employee survey templates that you can find online, not all of them will likely have all of these questions. It is thus up to you to make sure that these four queries are included in the employee engagement poll you intend to put up.

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