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2 min read

What Compels Your Employees to Read Your Newsletter

A company internal newsletter can be one of the most effective communication tools you can utilize in your business. Not only does it keep employees informed an up to date on what is going on in the company, it fosters camaraderie, and promotes employee engagement and creativity.

However, for a newsletter to be considered as truly effective, people have to first read it. How can it reach and affect your employees if they aren’t compelled to read what is written? This is particularly true of e-newsletters which can be easily deleted from one’s inbox with one click.

Whether you are opting to distribute a print or electronic newsletter, here are some important tips to keep in mind if you want to improve your chances of being read not only by one-time readers, but a loyal readership:

1. Add “news that’s fit to print” instead of just “news that fits”

When brainstorming on news features that you can add to your company internal newsletter, make sure to think of topics that are fit to print instead of just mere “fillers”. Fillers aren’t interesting – they simply take up space.

Instead, think of articles that are current, interesting, brief and easy to read, relevant to your audience, and straight to the point. Remember that employees are busy and they only have so much time to relax and read through the pages of your newsletter. Make sure the content you present is worth reading, and will compel them to watch out for and read through the next issue.

2. Celebrate achievements and name names

To a certain degree, your company internal newsletter is an avenue wherein achievements are celebrated and employees are acknowledged for their good work. Do take note that the newsletter isn’t a propaganda tool to promote your company – it is a platform in which you can communicate with your people and allow them a voice. Topics should be primarily about them and should cater to them.

3. Concoct attention-grabbing headlines

Much like how newspapers are supposed to feature headlines that grab your attention, so should the headlines in your company internal newsletter. For example, “An Exclusive Sneak Peek Into the New ABC” is much more compelling than “ABC is our New Product”. Catchy headlines that draw a reader’s attention as well summarize the content of the piece should always be opted for.

4. Be truthful and use positive language

Companies will go through rough patches, and it’s always important to acknowledge these challenges in a positive way and to update on employees with developments. Don’t feel like you have to protect your employees from bad and difficult news. They would rather know the truth than be lied to, or for news to be sugar-coated. If you tell the truth, they are more likely to trust you.

6. Be visually appealing and predictable

Make sure that your company internal newsletter is visually appealing and not cluttered. Newsletters that are visually appealing are more likely to catch the attention of its intended readers. Also, make sure that your newsletter has a consistent look – this includes how the paper looks like, how many columns it has, and others. This predictability will make readers feel a sense of familiarity and loyalty to the newsletter because they know what to expect from it

Too make it visually appealing, make sure to use color if your budget permits it (no more than four), make sure that columns are easy on the eyes, and font size and type are readable. Also, utilize photos (the photos of employees are particularly eye-catching), and headlines that are of different sizes (depending on importance).

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