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5 min read

What Is ESG Strategy

Developing An ESG Strategy1

Does your organization have an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy?  If you aren’t on board with this business practice, you risk being left behind by your competitor. 

A robust ESG strategy is crucial for an organization's sustainability and growth. It enhances the company’s corporate reputation and is important for attracting customers, investors, and top talent. By addressing environmental impact and ethical governance, ESG strategies reduce risks, ensuring long-term viability.

Embracing ESG aligns with evolving consumer preferences, opening new market opportunities. In a world that is increasingly focused on sustainable and responsible business practices, an organization with a powerful ESG plan is better positioned to thrive, adapt to change and secure its future growth and success.

Table of contents

What is an ESG strategy?

Why does your company need an ESG strategy?

How to formulate an ESG strategy

What is an ESG strategy?

ESG strategies are a set of principles and practices that a company or organization adopts to consider environmental, social and governance factors in its decision-making and operations:

  • Environmental factors refer to a company's impact on the planet, such as its carbon footprint, resource usage and efforts it undertakes to reduce environmental harm.
  • Social factors encompass the ways in which a company interacts with and has impacts on society -  including its treatment of employees, community engagement, and diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Governance factors include a company's internal practices and policies, including its leadership, board structure and ethical behavior.

ESG strategies aim to integrate these considerations into business practices to promote sustainability, responsible behavior and long-term value. 

Why does your company need an ESG strategy?

Implementing ESG in the workplace is essential for any company in today's business landscape. These strategies aren’t just a trend or a “nice-to-have” - they are a crucial component for long-term success and sustainability. 

The benefits of developing an ESG strategy include:

  • Enhancing the company’s reputation and brand image. In an age of increasing transparency and digital interconnectedness, consumers, investors, and stakeholders are more aware of a company's actions and their consequences. Companies with strong ESG practices are perceived as socially responsible and environmentally conscious, which can lead to greater customer loyalty and trust. A positive brand image can be a powerful competitive advantage in the market.
  • Attracting and retaining top talent. Today's workforce, especially the younger generations, seek employers who share their values and demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes. Organizations with strong ESG strategies often find it easier to recruit and retain employees who are passionate about making a difference in the world. A motivated and engaged workforce can boost productivity and innovation.
  • Investors are increasingly considering ESG factors in their decision-making. Investment firms and asset managers are integrating ESG criteria into their investment strategies. Companies with solid ESG performance are more likely to access capital and investment opportunities. By not having an ESG strategy, a company might exclude itself from a significant pool of potential investors.
  • Assisting with risk management.  Environmental risks, such as climate change and resource scarcity, can have a profound impact on a company's operations. Social risks, including labor disputes or human rights violations, can lead to reputational damage and legal troubles. Governance risks, like fraud or unethical behavior, can undermine investor confidence. ESG strategies enable companies to identify and mitigate these risks proactively.
  • Keeping abreast of evolving regulatory environments. Governments and other regulatory bodies are increasingly imposing ESG-related regulations and standards. Companies that are proactive in adopting ESG plans are better prepared to navigate this changing landscape, reducing the risk of compliance issues, fines, and legal complications.
  • Driving innovation and increasing market opportunity. ESG strategies can drive product and service development. Many consumers are looking for sustainable and socially responsible products and services. By aligning innovation efforts with ESG values, a company can tap into emerging markets and capitalize on evolving consumer preferences.
  • Promotes community engagement. Companies that actively support their local communities through charitable initiatives and socially responsible practices can build strong relationships and goodwill. These positive community interactions can be invaluable in times of crisis or when seeking local support for expansion projects.

How to formulate an ESG strategy

Developing an ESG  strategy is a complex and multifaceted process. 

Here are the key steps to take to develop and deliver a comprehensive ESG business strategy for your organization:

1. Understand the needs of your industry

Start by understanding the specific environment, social and governance challenges and opportunities in your industry. ESG priorities can vary significantly across different sectors.

2. Engage with stakeholders

Identify the key stakeholders to consult with and set about meaningful engagement wit them.  This will usually include investors, employees, customers, suppliers, and community representatives. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights into your ESG strategy.

3. Set clear goals and objectives for your ESG business strategy

Define specific, measurable, and time-sensitive objectives for your ESG strategy. These should align with your organization's vision, goals,  mission and values.

4. Develop an ESG strategy framework

Choose a recognized ESG framework or set of guidelines to structure your strategy. Common frameworks include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

5. Integrate the ESG into your corporate strategy

It is important to align your corporate ESG strategy with your overall corporate strategy. Ensure that ESG in the workplace has goals and initiatives that are integrated into your company's long-term plans.

6. Set your environmental considerations

The “E” part of your strategy needs to address environmental issues by setting targets for reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, and managing waste. Consider initiatives related to energy efficiency, sustainable sourcing and environmental impact reduction.

7. Set your social considerations

The “S” part of your strategy should focus on social factors such as enhancing employee well-being, fostering diversity and inclusion, and supporting community engagement. Implement labor practices that promote fair wages and ethical treatment of employees.

8. Set your governance considerations

The “G” part of the strategy should ensure your organization strengthens its governance practices by ensuring transparency, ethical behavior, and accountability. This includes the composition of the board, executive compensation and anti-corruption measures.

9. Consider risk management

Assess ESG-related risks and integrate risk management strategies into your overall risk assessment and mitigation plans.

10. Get buy-in from leadership and employees

Secure commitment from senior leadership to support and drive the ESG plan. Engage employees through training, awareness programs, and involvement in ESG initiatives.

11. Commit to continuous improvement

ESG is an evolving field, so it is important to continuously monitor industry trends and regulations and update your strategy as needed to ensure your company can adapt to emerging ESG challenges and opportunities.

12. Communicate the corporate ESG strategy to employes

Communicating  ESG strategies to employees is crucial to ensure their understanding, and support for the company's sustainability goals. To help secure ESG employee engagement, send information through various channels such as emails, company newsletters, intranet, pop-up notifications, scrolling tickers and social media platforms. Different employees prefer different communication methods, so using a variety ensures broad coverage.


ESG strategies are not luxuries; they are essential in today's business world. ESG strategies are powerful tools for building a positive reputation, attracting talent, accessing investment opportunities, managing risks, complying with evolving regulations, fostering innovation, and engaging with communities. 

By embracing ESG principles, a company can position itself for long-term success, ensuring its relevance and resilience in a rapidly changing world.


How to create an ESG strategy?

In developing an ESG strategy for your business, you should follow these steps:

  • Identify ESG priorities through stakeholder engagement.
  • Set clear, measurable ESG goals.
  • Choose a recognized ESG framework (e.g., GRI, SASB).
  • Align ESG plan with corporate strategy.
  • Address environmental, social, and governance factors.
  • Implement data collection and reporting.
  • Engage leadership and seek ESG employee engagement.
  • Manage ESG-related risks.
  • Collaborate with supply chain and partners.
  • Continuously update and adapt the strategy.

What is sustainable development in ESG?

Sustainable development in ESG refers to a business approach that aims to meet present needs while ensuring the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, considering environmental, social, and governance factors. It encompasses responsible resource use, social well-being, and ethical governance.

What is an ESG strategy?

ESG strategies are a set of principles and practices that guide a company in integrating environmental, social, and governance considerations into its operations, decision-making, and reporting to promote sustainability and responsible business practices.

What is an example of an ESG strategy?

ESG strategy examples could include a company committing to reducing its carbon emissions (Environmental), promoting diversity and inclusion in its workforce (Social), and enhancing its board's ethical governance practices (Governance). Such a strategy aims to improve sustainability and align business practices with responsible values.

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