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2 min read

Why You Need to Form a Solid Internal Communications Strategy

Organizations can only truly be successful if their internal communications strategy is solid. This strategy is vital when it comes to playing a role in all aspects of an organization, and when communication is effective (and when it is ineffective, in fact), it permeates throughout every department and levels of a business.

While most leaders and managers understand the importance of good communication, a good number have no communication plan. However, a formal plan is actually necessary for your business to reach its ultimate objectives and for it to be able to share its vision, mission and values with employees.

internal communications solution

Without a formal internal communications strategy in place, issues can unravel and cause the company to fall apart. Employees may want to withdraw and may refuse to communicate with their peers and managers. This withdrawal can then lead to employees being less accessible and unproductive. Processes can become inefficient, and employees may feel undervalued. Jobs may be repeated, and distrust may run rampant. These issues can lead to hostility, friction and tension in the workplace.

On the other hand, having a formal plan in place can help boost employee morale and engagement, create a sense of belonging and community within the company, and strengthen employee trust and loyalty.

Here is a further elaboration as to why organizations need a formal internal communications strategy:

1. To create better leaders within the organization.

An internal communications strategy is imperative if you want to make sure that leaders within the company are able to execute their responsibilities as intended. Good communication allows leaders to better understand their roles and to also better understand their staff members’ needs. Communication also plays a significant role in how leaders are able to motivate, inspire and engage their workers.

2. To build a sense of community.

Strong communication builds a strong sense of community within an organization. A formal internal communications strategy gives both management and staff members a sense of direction when it comes to communicating and interacting with each other. The guideline for communicating with each other need not be stringent, of course; however, it should have respect and positivity at its core in order to be truly effective.

3. To increase employee engagement.

With a solid communication plan, you will be able to engage employees and communicate with them how they fit into the big picture. Formal strategies help management figure out how to make employees feel valued and heard, and what opportunities could empower employees and make them feel like they are contributing members of the team and the organization. In turn, these efforts motivate employees to do better at their roles and to contribute even more to the betterment of the company.

4. To increase the probability of reaching organizational objectives.

When communication is effective and a plan is in place, staff members tend to be more informed and educated about their work and the organization as a whole. Employees then tend to be more involved when it comes to decision-making, and they are able to align their own personal career goals with the overall objectives of the company.

5. To create a more open corporate environment.

Creating a solid internal communications strategy allows the corporate environment to flourish and to become more open. When the corporate culture allows for open communication between management and staff members, trust, transparency and respect are promoted. The workplace then becomes a more pleasant space to be in, which then increases employee retention. On the other hand, if there is mistrust and disrespect in the workplace, issues can result in tension and friction, which, in turn, results in lack of productivity and higher employee turnovers.

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