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Safety Moment Ideas
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2 min read
Anton Vdovin : Sep 22, 2017 10:42:44 AM
When companies face issues when it comes to finances or customer relations, you can expect leaders and managers to find out exactly what the organization has been doing wrong, and what they can do to remedy the problems. Not only will they want to make sure that these issues are kept an eye on, they will also want to adjust their strategies and methods to make sure that those particular problems do not occur again in the future. This should also be true when it comes to communication issues in the workplace.
Communication in the workplace is vital to the success of the company; therefore, companies must not only find out what they are doing right, but must also decipher where they are weakest or where they have been failing. This includes how messages are being delivered, what communication practices have been implemented, and what methods (such as newsletters, team meetings, mobile text alerts, and others) are being utilized.
Here are some of the very good reasons why poor communication in the workplace should be tended to and measured:
1. To aid leaders and managers in making smarter decisions.
Leaders and managers need facts to back up their recommendations regarding communication efforts and strategies. When poor communication is tended to and measured, leaders and managers are able to document progress, failures and successes, which, in turn, help them make smarter decisions.
2. To identify the areas and issues which should be focused on.
Poor communication in the workplace should be fixed because it helps us understand where and to what extent communication has broken down, as well as the attitudes that are rampant in the organization. When leaders are made aware of these, they are able to pinpoint the critical areas which need to be addressed – whether it be regarding the delivery or context of a message, or even the message itself. When critical areas are identified, leaders and managers are able to prescribe more effective solutions so that positive outcomes and results are felt and observed at a much quicker rate.
3. To establish a baseline.
After pinpointing the critical areas which need to be focused on, you will need a baseline in which progress and success are measured. The reason why a baseline is important is that it is important for future efforts. Determining what works well today will help you adapt better strategies in the future.
4. To show that the organization is committed to change.
The mere act of measuring and tending to poor communication shows that you are committed to making changes in the organization. However, remember that measuring and studying are not enough. You need to follow through in order to truly show your commitment. For example, if there is a clamor for mobile text alerts within your organization, make sure to heed to this need and take it into serious consideration.
5. To make sure that the needs of the workforce is being met.
By measuring and tending to poor communication in the workplace, you are able to find out whether the needs of your workforce is being met or not. For example, tending to this issue will help you determine if email or mobile text alerts are proving to be better methods of communication in your organization.
The results of your examination will help you make alterations to your strategy, and will support your employees in feeling valued enough that their concerns are listened to.
6. To make better decisions when allocating resources.
When you have the data you need, you will be able to specify how effective your communication efforts are when it comes to different departments, employee levels, and others. Knowing vital information as those mentioned will help you properly allocate resources and funds to communication efforts while making sure that resources are invested and not wasted. For example, you may find that it is better to invest in mobile text alerts rather than a new digital signage.
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