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The Blueprint: Discussing Communication Strategies

Communication, in its simplest sense, is by virtue the exchange of information from a sender to a receiver. Of course, the environment wherein communication takes place accounts for the change in the type of communication, as well as the strategy that will direct its execution. A well-crafted strategy will direct an organization’s internal and external communication to more adequately represent its brand identity and recognized voice in the media. Communication strategies are important in the sense that businesses and organizations heavily rely on its communications to achieve a high level of efficiency, financial success, and general positive performance, as well as to increase workplace knowledge.

interncal communications strategy

These communication plans – whether external or internal – all begin with a discussion of the organization’s strategic position, followed by a set of core objectives that are translated in terms of the overall direction, as well as communication-specific. The organization’s vision and values are the core of what the consequent plans and strategies are; in short, organizations strategize and process because it wants to realize its vision. Additionally, these strategies are further influenced by the organization’s group of stakeholders; these include the workers, business partners, customer base, and the general public at large. The core business language is also considered in the creation of corporate communication strategies; as stakeholders are identified, their language and culture follow suit. Lastly, communication strategies are determined alongside budgetary and resource requirements, organizational capabilities, and achievability in set periods of time. These strategies are defined not only by the vision of the organization, but also by the sheer capacity of the peoples involved in executing and sustaining the group’s communication plans.

Communication strategies may be verbal, nonverbal, and/or visual; of course, these types are not exclusive but rather are used as a mix of two or all, depending on the needs of the business or organization. Overall, the idea behind these types is that they allow for a more holistic capacity building in the part of the business in increasing productivity.

Verbal communication strategies are either written or spoken. Text and other modes of instant messaging, such as e-mails, and even snail mail and letters, public documents and other resources; these are all considered written modes of communication. On the other hand, oral communication is a face-to-face conversation, audio and/or video calls.

On the other side of the spectrum, nonverbal communication is associated with visual yet personal cues, such as facial reactions, sign language, and general body language. The tone of voice as well as physical stance of the communicator is also considered nonverbal communication cues. While more difficult to discern as compared to the straightforward verbal strategy, nonverbal communication strategies remain integral in being able to fully express the organization’s brand identity and public voice.

Visual communication strategies are seen through impersonal forms of communication and promotion, like infographics, commercials, and websites. More often than not, visual communication is employed to appeal to short attention spans of customers and employees alike, but also is used as form of documentation for meetings and other presentations. Much like the first two types of strategy, this is extremely useful in both internal and external communications.

The aforementioned types of communication strategies are evident nowadays in the form of modern business communication solutions such as intranet software, online discussion forums, and social media. For example, verbal communication can be done through chat tools such as Facebook Messenger and Viber. Nonverbal communication is easily recognized in person-to-person contact but is also possible in real-time video chat applications like Skype. Visual strategy is more generic, and is employed in a wide stream of blogs & vlogs, social media sites, and even print media.

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