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3 min read

Communication Employee for Organizational Success

Oftentimes, management calls the attention of their employees when they have committed something wrong. To correct the matter, they ask them to go to their office and talk to them about it. The result, every time an employee is called, people think that it is because of a mistake and the employee feels a certain anxiety until the 'verdict' is over.

Most organizations need to learn and develop more effective ways to communicate with their employees. They need to acknowledge their employees and affirm them of their loyalty. In many cases, fostering positive expectations on your employees are far more effective than preaching on them.

Internal communication employee doesn't need to be formal appointments such as when there has been an error in the job or an issue that concerns the employee. Effective managers are also leaders who must know how to direct their employees and they can do this even just with a simple yet genuine concern for them. Leaders who care and give extra time to talk to their employees outside of work scope are well-respected. People are happy when he is around and oftentimes, these leaders have the charisma that can inspire people just by their presence alone.

Communication employee consists of providing internal communications strategies that promote employee engagement. Communication and feedback shouldn't only be to call attention for wrongdoing or errors but also to acknowledge appreciation of employee's efforts and achievements.

Communication feedback helps achieve a successful working environment as it helps people learn thereby creating more opportunities for development (both professional and personal). Affirmations from management help boost morale and loyalty and when they personally talk to the employees about the company and its expectations, it creates a sense of awareness that their help as partners is needed to achieve the company's goals and objectives.

Employee communications most common errors and solutions

Among the various internal communication errors that managers do when giving feedback are the following:

1. Managers giving only negative feedback as well as sandwiching a negative one with two positive feedbacks. When the issue isn't communicated properly, employee will selectively listen to the good feedback only.

2. Not giving feedback when it is due. Never allow feedback to sit and dump them all during the employee's meeting as they will never remember it. Likewise, for every positive thing that they do, never forget to acknowledge it, too.

3. Being insincere in providing positive feedback and doing it just for the sake of it will show off and the employee will know of it.

4. At times, managers fluff around the issue with the hope of not 'hurting' the feelings of the employee. The result is an indirect feedback that isn't clear and the employee couldn't grasp the main idea. Be direct to the point yet give constructive criticisms and acknowledge their efforts of trying but just need to improve on certain matters.

5. Being emotional and go yelling at the employees will never get any positive result. It will just worsen things as the employee receives the emotional guilt and burden and will not be rational about it. Avoid taking it personally as the problem is not on you but on the employee. Remember that when it goes personal, neither you nor the employee can solve the problem as being in that state will never resolve the issue.

6. Communication employee in inappropriate communication channel such as publicly, online sites, informal conversations or emails.

Among the things that managers should do:

Stay balanced in providing either a positive or negative feedback and give it right away.
Be honest and direct as you give the feedback truthfully.
Practice what you are going to say, prepare for it, give examples and be specific and direct.
The manager needs to stay calm and not be emotional nor take the wrongdoing personally.
Never allow the employee to steer the conversation.
Focus on facts, support your feedback with data and evidence. Don't give feedback and comments about issues that are just being heard through hearsays.
Prepare a script and be tactful in what you are going to say and do.
Communication must always be done face-to-face, unless you are socializing with others in the company. So much is lost and unnecessary interpretation are added that result to misunderstanding and miscommunication if feedback and sensitive communication are being relayed in inappropriate ways. Constructive feedback and other criticisms should be done on-on-one while praises, recognition and appreciation be done in public.

An effective plan for communication employee is essential for the smooth running of the business as well as creating a wholesome atmosphere in the workplace. When managers and leaders of an organization are able to manage their staff properly through an effective internal communications plan, there is no doubt that they can eventually achieve an improved performance which will result in an enhanced business and customer experience. Whatever the company has internally will be reflected externally. After all, charity begins at home.

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