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3 min read

Improving Company Communication Strategy for Law Firms

Law firms deal with a lot of documents related to handled cases, and most of these are urgent matters. With all the papers piled up on your desks, it is important for you, your lawyers and your secretaries to make sure not to miss any important documents, especially if you are handling numerous cases. It is also important not to interchange documents for different cases. This is why most law firms nowadays are going digital instead of keeping tons of papers in their shelves. First, it avoids clutter. Second, they are more preserved when in hard copy.

DeskAlerts, an internal communications solutions provider, helps law firms in improving coordination among law associates and their staff through instant messaging. This web-based software allows you as the primary legal counsel to facilitate all the cases held by different lawyers under your law firm, so as to make sure that even if your attorneys hold different cases at a time, you are all on the same page, knowledgeable about each. Improving company communications strategy for law firms is one of the specializations of DeskAlerts. With over 700 clients from all around the world, it has gained the trust of different law firms and other companies specializing in industries like education, medicine, tourism and finance.

Here’s how DeskAlerts can help you with your company communications strategy:

Sending volumes of documents
The heart and soul of every law firm are the documents of each case. From backgrounds, affidavits, testimonies, evidences to subpoenas and writs, all decision-making angles of legal counsels rely on these documents. This is why all lawyers and staff dealing with a particular case should always be cascaded with these papers. Through DeskAlerts, it has now become an easier task to furnish copies of such documents as it allows sending voluminous text files, spreadsheets, presentations, images and even videos through its desktop notifications.

These desktop notifications appear as a pop up message on screen. You can customize it as to how long it will remain on the screen or whether you’d only want it removed until acknowledged by the recipient. You can also send those files and notify the recipient with desktop tickers that serve as crawlers beneath the screen. This will give you a hundred percent assurance that your files will be received, unlike with emails, there’s a chance they’d miss it. However, DeskAlerts also has email notification system as part of its company communication strategy. You can still send emails and pre-set it to be pinned on top of the inbox to be read.

Notifying Schedules
DeskAlerts helps you in sending out notifications to all lawyers and staff involved about schedule reminders. You can remind them about your meetings, trials, jail visits and other schedules through its desktop notifications. These alerts can be sent to the entire law firm or to specific people only. You can also send them quick instructions or reminders through desktop notifications.

DeskAlerts also has its mobile alert system, where you can send SMS simultaneously to different people even if they are out in the court room or somewhere else. This ensures that your coordination is still intact even if the rest of the office people are doing their field work. This is very helpful during unforeseen circumstances where changes are made with the schedules.

Emergency cases
The court releases decisions and orders randomly, and it can come on the day when the rest of the legal counsel are out or are doing something. It will take time to notify all lawyers and staff involved, and they might not be into their phones. Better yet, send them an emergency notification through desktop alert. This will freeze out whatever they are working on in their screens and will not leave their desktops unless seen. With these emergency alerts, you can set a meeting right away and discuss with your associates your immediate actions on the court decision or order.

Random greetings
It’s not all about work in law firms. Lawyers celebrate and have fun, too! On birthdays, foundation days, anniversaries, or on cases won, greet all of your associates and staff through random desktop greetings. Send it directly to the person who is celebrating his or her birthday or send congratulatory messages to the entire law firm work force for a job well done after winning a case. This will certainly boost the morale of your staff and will further improve the company communication strategy.

Entrust now your company communication strategy to DeskAlerts as it takes care of your internal coordination with your law team. Close coordination will be a crucial aspect of your work as you work as a team in winning those cases. For more information about DeskAlerts and what it has to offer, email

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