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3 min read

DeskAlerts: Desktop Notifications for Schools

DeskAlerts is a full-featured messaging and alert system, featuring customizable desktop notifications. The solution is ideal for all types of industries.

Is your staff lost in a pool of emails? In educational settings, effective communication is crucial to keeping everyone informed and in the loop. Without it, meetings and other important items may be lost in the paperwork – or email inbox.

DeskAlerts allows for efficient communication. With desktop notifications and other important methods to communicate, an educational institution can greatly enhance how it receives alerts, news and other important items.

DeskAlerts Desktop Notifications: More Effective Communication – From Staff to the Students

student desktop notifications

The educational atmosphere is one guided and enhanced by effective communication. As opposed to other organizations, it is often necessary to send alerts to not only staff – but students, alumni and parents as well.

Consider how your current educational organization connects with the staff, students and so on. Do you simply use email and physical mail? Is there a good way to reach all students, all staff, or all parents in the case of something urgent – or if they don’t have an email address?

DeskAlerts combines desktop notifications with email, text message, Internet and other capabilities, such as a scrolling ticker. Consider the possibilities:

  • An instant text message for students and parents, in the event of urgent news or an emergency.
  • Reminders for your staff, via desktop notifications and/or a scrolling ticket, to inform them about upcoming meetings.
  • Customizable messages for parents and alumni, involving email, SMS, and other options as necessary.

Improve Work Efficiency for the Staff with DeskAlerts Desktop Notifications

DeskAlerts has been changing the way businesses operate for years. With enhanced features and functions, your educational institution can increase work efficiency:

  • Desktop Notifications of All Types: Forget about email attachments with rich text file, graphic, video, document (i.e. .pdf), and flash presentation support – right on the desktop notification.
  • Customizable Notifications: Send out notifications to particular groups. Personalize them with the school or university colors. Change any aspect of the message or alert.
  • Reach Staff Anywhere: You can choose to reach a staff member or group on their computer with desktop notifications, or easy insertion in to a simple ticket. Feel free to add SMS or email along with it. You can send a desktop alert, SMS and an email to all users – or certain groups – at once, if you wish.
  • Others: Create multi-question surveys for your staff to fill out. Use urgent alerts for meetings that will occur soon. Add sound and other powerful features to make sure your staff receives a particular alert.

Reach Students, Staff, and Parents in the Event of an Emergency with DeskAlerts Desktop Notifications

While DeskAlerts can transform the way your staff communicates, there is another area that is worthy of your attention. In the event of an emergency, DeskAlerts can reach the appropriate parties instantly and efficiently.

Consider a dangerous situation, such as a terrorist alert or a bomb threat. If the school must react, such as in a school lockdown situation, then the obvious need to inform parents of the situation is undeniable. In this case, DeskAlerts could easily notify parents by email and SMS simultaneously to ensure that they receive the message.

In other cases, urgent messages can be received immediately as well. In the winter months, immediate notification of school closings is important for parents and students, as well as staff – from primary schools and institutions of higher learning alike. If your school will close early due to weather, how will you effectively communicate this with parents and students? Consider DeskAlerts not only as an effective way to manage staff-based alerts, but also those that are relevant for the entire institution – and everyone involved.

Increase Efficiency and Generate Interest with DeskAlerts Desktop Notifications

Effective communication from DeskAlerts can increase efficiency in other ways. Are there some new and exciting events held by the school? DeskAlerts can increase interest and lead to enhanced participation.

From news to events, DeskAlerts can send messages to staff, students, parents, alumni and even the general public for a number of items:

  • Let the school and fans know about a big upcoming sports event. Mention sales in the email and/or text message to get everyone excited.
  • Promote productions from music, drama, and dance through the messaging system as well.
  • Inform students and parents about picture days, open houses, the ability to purchase school clothing and items, and so much more.

DeskAlerts for Your School

The ability for DeskAlerts to increase a school’s communication is certainly seen.

The possibilities are endless – teachers can even directly remind students of items, as well as communicate with IT. From meetings, sporting events, and so much more, DeskAlerts can transform the way message, alerts, promotions and other items are communicated.

Consider a better way to enhance productivity within an educational setting. Look at how messages are delivered to parents, students and alumni. Certainly think about urgent messages that are linked to safety as well.

locked screen desktop alert message

DeskAlerts is a full-featured, easily implemented solution that can enhance all of these areas. It may be the next great step for your school. 

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