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3 min read

Creating an Engaging Employee Newsletter

An employee newsletter is created for the purpose of communicating and updating employees and stakeholders regarding the current goings-on and updates in the company or organization they belong to. It is therefore imperative that a newsletter contain content and pages that effectively feature and communicate the medium’s objective.

When creating an employee newsletter, one must keep in mind that it is an internal communications channel. This consequently means that the messages contained in the newsletter have the ability to engage its busy audience with clear and concise content, influence the attitudes and behaviors of those who belong to the company or organization, and reinforce ideas, values and protocols within the system.

employee engagement survey

The following are some of the most relevant and interesting topics and content that can be covered by an employee newsletter:

Accomplishments, awards and recognitions garnered by employees. Those who have gone above and beyond what is expected of them deserve recognition and praise. A brief of why a particular employee was chosen is also an appropriate addition to this feature.

An employee newsletter is an especially opportune medium to highlight employees who have worked hard to be recognized not only for the sole purpose of recognition, but also to inspire and motivate other staff members as well.

Health articles. A company’s health and well-being is highly dependent on the health and well-being of its employees. Health-related articles are both interesting and relevant as they can provide staff members with vital information as to how to prevent diseases and injuries, as well as how to stay physically fit and strong. Articles may range anywhere from how to avoid catching a cold to lifting heavy objects the right way to avoid injury.

A wellness program that features the schedule of fitness classes offered by the company can also be added.

Workplace safety procedures. Education is key to ensuring that employees and staff members are kept safe and protected in the workplace at all times. Employees may utilize hazardous chemicals and heavy equipment in the workplace. It is the company’s responsibility to make sure that they are properly informed and educated as to how to prevent injury and health conditions while at work.

Company branches and departments. While some employees may only be familiar with their own jobs and departments, it is extremely helpful that they also get to know the other branches and departments within the company. Articles that feature departments that are in another country or state inform staff about their other fellow employees, which consequently breaks down barriers between different departments and branches, and promotes oneness, cooperation, team success and camaraderie.

Meetings between company executives and management. Executives and management will hold meetings at times to discuss important news and updates regarding the company. While some things discussed during the meetings are confidential, some topics are relevant to the company and may be of use to employees. Examples of topics that may be interesting and important for employees to know is the opening of a new office overseas and how the said news will affect their own branch.

Topics relevant to employees. Content such as work benefits, changes within the structure of the company, and work deadlines are important and relevant to employees. An employee newsletter is one of the best platforms to utilize when informing employees about issues that concern them.

Create an effective employee newsletter with DeskAlerts.

DeskAlerts is an internal communications solution that can help you create engaging and effective employee newsletters.

Regarded as a useful medium to break down silos in order to create oneness and cooperation between employees from different departments and branches, employee newsletters can be utilized to share company activities, news and updates.

An employee newsletter can also feature information regarding HR announcements and employment updates without clogging up the email inboxes of employees. Employee newsletter features are also more likely to be read versus emails which can be disregarded, thus leading to employees missing out on important news and announcements.

This platform can be used to further educate and inform employees and stakeholders about the state of the company, its management and employees. Information that is important, interesting and relevant for employees and stakeholders is accumulated, collected and highlighted.

Ultimately, employee newsletters should be utilized in order to communicate with employees and influence them to adhere to what the company is about and what it stands for.

You can easily do engaging and effective employee newsletters with DeskAlerts.

See our free on-line demo, and contact us today to request a quote.

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