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2 min read

How to Improve Communication Between Managers and Employees in the Workplace?

One of the most important factors in the success of a company is effective communication. Effective communication can be likened to the oil that keeps the engine of a vehicle working effectively. Without it, a company would not move forward towards the achievement of its corporate goals.

In the corporate world, supervisors play an important role in the communication process. The supervisor’s unique position as the link between the management and the staff highlights the need for good verbal and written communication skills. Supervisors are expected to be effective in communicating with employees and relaying feedback from the staff to the management.

If you’re a supervisor who wants to help in improving communication in your office, or you’ve just been promoted to a supervisory role, here are some tips that you might want to know so you will be more effective in communicating with employees:

1. Open lines of communication.

You can’t expect your staff to come up to you and raise concerns all of a sudden. You have to create a culture of open communication. To do so, open lines of communication. Adapt an open door policy. Let your staff know that you can be approached anytime of the day, particularly when it comes to work-related concerns.

You can start by meeting your team every single day. You don’t need to have lengthy meetings because it can be misconstrued as counter-productive and time-consuming. Start your workdays with a brief team huddle which should not last more than 10 minutes. This should enable you to discuss goals, challenges, and operating plans for the rest of the team.
You can also introduce lunch and learn gatherings, and hold it occasionally. These are less formal gatherings where you can discuss concerns with the rest of the team.

2. Show them you care.

Remember that your employees are humans, too. They value being appreciated by their bosses and colleagues. Showing them that you care about them as individuals can go a long way towards improving your relationship with your staff.

You can start by doing little things like celebrating the birthdays of your workers. Personal milestones like wedding anniversaries don’t need to be celebrated with gatherings or lunch-outs. You can send cards to them instead.

You can also discuss hobbies with your staff. This way, they can better relate to you. Your chances of better communicating with employees improve drastically when you cultivate personal relationship with your staff members.

3. Initiate discussions on job-related issues with your employees.

Employees appreciate being kept on the loop, especially when it comes to job-related concerns. You should not be hesitant to initiate discussions related to job performance with your staff. They’ll see you as a mentor who’s not only concerned with his career, but as someone who’s looking after the career growth of the rest of the team.

Moreover, having discussions on job-related issues can minimize the potential for surprises. Employees will know how they are performing relative to the expectations of the management. Perhaps more important, you can guide them in making timely changes, if necessary.

4. Brush up your communication skills.

Simply put, communicating with employees necessitates good communication skills.

You should be good at conveying your message. Getting your message across clearly can eliminate confusion among your staff.

When writing a memo or email message, make sure you read your message several times before sending it. When addressing your team, speak loudly and clearly. During meetings, you can use visual aids to help your staff remember your points.

Moreover, answer any questions they may have. Take the time to clarify vague points.

Keep in mind these tips so you can be a good supervisor to your team.

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