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2 min read

How You Can Use an Active Directory in Your Business

When opting for office communication software, one of the most important tools you can integrate into your work processes is an active directory.


A database system that connects and links an organization’s individual computers in a network, Microsoft’s Active Directory or AD allows workers to share files a lot more quickly and easily. Through the said database, network administrators have the ability to grant permissions to particular users.

Think of this office communication software as you would an education institution’s computer network. In order for a student to access the network, he or she needed a username and password to log onto any computer that is connected to the school network. Once the computer starts up, he or she is able to access the drives and files in the said network if he or she was granted permission to do so. So this meant that any computer on the network a student was logged onto was considered as his or her personal computer during the time he or she was given access to it.

An Active Directory is a Useful Tool in Organizations 

According to research, more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 firms continue to use and promote the utilization of an active directory even though it is a 1990s technological tool. This is because most companies built their infrastructures and network architecture during the said decade.

The reason why this office communication software is still lauded as useful is because it not only allows network administrators access to the activities going on in the network and therefore monitor information transfer and productivity, it also safeguards network security. The active directory also enables network administrators to grant permissions to specific users when they are required to access information and resources relevant to their work. For example, someone working in the HR department can be granted permission to employee forms such as formal complaint forms or leave of absence forms.

Aside from giving access to specific individuals, network administrators can also grant permission to all employees without giving them the power to edit or delete. For example, while all employees can be given access to HR documents, only HR managers or supervisors can be granted permission to delete or alter them.

The ultimate reason why this office communication software is a useful tool for any company is that it allows each computer to communicate with each other, and it doesn’t require users to continuously go through tedious authentication processes every time they need to share or access documents from another computer.

Integrating the Active Directory with Other Software 

Management should be aware that the active directory must have the ability to seamlessly integrate with other software being used by staff members in the company. If the integration is easy and painless, an active directory can prove to be advantageous for employees and the whole company.

When it comes to employees, an active directory that easily integrates with other software means that logging into the company’s system is simple. There will be no need for multiple usernames and passwords, and there will be no need to go through further authentication processes.

On the other hand, for the company as a whole, an active directory allows for the faster deployment of other software, such as desktop alerts, email notifications, chat and instant messaging software as well as other communication software. Network administrators can do various tasks at the same time, such as creating custom groups and adding and managing users.

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