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2 min read

Internal Communications Plan: Why Is It Crucial?

Investing in a business is a risk. Making everything work is a challenge. For employers like you, you know how big of a task it is to run a business, much more to manage people. Leading hundreds to thousands of people towards the same goal is your responsibility as company executives, and how you manage them is indicative of a business’s success. And for a business to run smoothly and hassle-free, employers, together with its department heads, should come up with a comprehensive internal communications plan. After all, it is your employees that do the work, and being able to communicate with them will make your job as the manager easier.

An internal communications plan is a strategy developed by each company, through its human resource or corporate communications office department to make sure that there is a smooth flow of information among the work force, from the boss down to the staff, from the staff up to the boss. A good communications plan covers all the possible tools and strategies to use to strengthen the employee-to-employer and the employee-to-employee relationships. Studies have shown that without good communication, work relationships fall out and the business is entirely affected.

The following elements are mostly included in every company’s internal communications plan:

  • Company Policies, Rules and Regulations
  • Employees’ Rights and Benefits
  • Official Memos
  • Official Emails
  • Board Announcements and Reminders
  • Company Newsletters, Brochures, Flyers
  • Official meetings, General Assemblies
  • Word of mouth

However, in previous experiences, it has been proven that such methodologies are not enough to send the message across the office. There are still job left undone, misunderstanding and miscommunication. Apparently, there is still room for improvement among these internal communications strategies towards a better working dynamics in the office.

What seems to be the problem?

When important message is not sent across to the right person, there will be miscommunication. If there is miscommunication, there will be problems with regards to work completion and job performance. There will be delays and wrong executions. There will be domino effect and the entire business will be affected.

These are the usual reasons for miscommunication problems at work:

  • People don’t read. Some employees just pass by bulletin boards and walk by the company newsletter stand. Either they just failed to notice or they are just too lazy to stop and read. This is why they don’t get the important notices sent by their bosses or by the department heads and they are left hanging uninformed or misinformed. 
  • They don’t attend meetings and general assemblies. Others are absent from work, on sick leave or just can’t get up from their desks to go to the company auditorium for the general assembly because of tons of work. Therefore, they don’t get to hear official announcements from the top executives.

What could be the solution?

In today’s modern strategies on internal communications plan, desktop alerts have become the ultimate solution. With the use of effective desktop notification system, official messages, instructions, reminders, warnings and greetings are transmitted from a specific server to all connected desktops in the work area.

Specific messages can be sent to specific audiences at the same time to make sure that they go right straight to the desktop. This strategy makes sure that employees will not miss any important messages because they just pop out from the screens they are working on and there is no chance they can leave it unnoticed. In fact, the desktop alerts feature can be customized as to how long it will stay on the screen. It can also require the employees to respond or, at least, to confirm if they have read the message. This gives the department heads the assurance that all information are sent through the right people.

Trust DeskAlerts

DeskAlerts has long established its reputation in being the number one provider of desktop notification systems among clients. Aside from desktop alerts, DeskAlerts also offers email notification system, screensaver alerts, mobile notification system and other alert systems that ensure ease on communication among members of organization. All of these notification systems can be customized based on the preferences of the user.

Its notification system has proven to be effective in improving company’s internal communications plan, thus, improving the exchange of information and the work flow among offices. It has also shown increase in productivity and revenues due to improved work dynamics among businesses.

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