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3 min read

Maximizing Internal Communications Strategy Through DeskAlerts

They say that the success of a company lies on producing the best outputs for its clients and customers. If it sells, then it is good to go. However, for a company’s executives, it isn’t just all about selling or marketing. It is also about efficiency and excellent work dynamics among its staff. It isn’t enough that the job is done. What’s important is the job is done right. It’s a challenge for company executives to make sure the company and its staff are together towards achieving one and the same goal. To ensure this, internal communications strategy is essential.

internal communication strategy

What is internal communications and why is it important?

Internal communications is the exchange of information among all members of a particular organization. This exchange of information is crucial to achieving an organization’s goal.

Here is why it is very important to ensure that there is an excellent internal communications strategy in a corporate organization:

  1. It keeps everyone on equal footing. Achieving a sales quota or completing a project before the deadline is hard if all the departments are not on equal footing. To work together as a team, it is important that the goal is clear to all departments and that each of their works are in sync with the others.
  2. It gives room for dialogues. Efficient internal communications strategy provides everyone the chance to raise questions, give suggestions, and exchange constructive criticisms among the departments. Seamless flow of communication allows staff to coordinate the progress of their works with other departments to make sure they are at the same pace.
  3. It establishes employer-employee relationship. It gives leeway for employees to connect with their employers. Effective internal communications gives the staff the chance to communicate with their bosses. This could be matters on work schedules, wage, benefits and other relevant to employment status.

What is DeskAlerts?

DeskAlerts is considered to be the most efficient internal communications strategy by clients like Siemens, Hilton hotels, Comcast, Oceaneering, Henry Ford and Farm Bureau Bank.

During the old days, the traditional strategies used by most Human Resource Departments are:

  • Announcement boards/monitors
  • Brochures and newsletters
  • Memos and official announcements
  • Television/Telephone/E-mail messages

Meanwhile, the most modern internal communications strategy nowadays is that which cannot be unnoticed or disregarded: Desktop Alerts.

DeskAlerts takes pride in improving every company’s internal communications through its notification system that makes use of different platforms to make sure important information is delivered in every desk.

What’s new about DeskAlerts?

DeskAlerts makes use of the recent innovations in technology to transfer information from the main source to different recipients simultaneously, with less time involved. This does not only save the company time and effort but it also increases productivity both on the employer and the employees.

  1. Desktop/ScreenSaver Notifications. DeskAlerts’ notification system sends in customized announcements, reminders and memos right at the desktop of each staff. Screensavers remain popping in until the person confirms it has already been read. It can even be pre-set on how many times it will appear on the desktop, how long will it flash, and what time will it appear.
  2. Selected Audiences. DeskAlerts allows its users to pre-select recipients, especially for crucial messages that not the entire workforce is allowed to see. It can be sent to specific people like department heads or just to an entire department, which the message matters to. This considers the importance of privacy among organizations.
  3. Multimedia Content. DeskAlerts is not only limited to plain text messages. Its notification system allows the users to include graphics, videos, documents and flash presentations. This gives the users more flexibility when it comes to sending information. Notes on changes of schedules, updates on marketing plans, submission of proposals and financial reports can even be cascaded through DeskAlerts’ notification system without having to bombard the staff with documents attached on their emails. This is not to mention the time it takes to attach such content through email.
  4. Multiple Notifications. DeskAlerts does not send notifications through desktop. Desktop alerts can also be sent at the same time through mobile and email. Multiple notifications are a big help when sending crucial and emergency messages, with DeskAlerts’ 100% message delivery rate, reassuring that all messages are received by all concerned.

Gone are the days when your secretary has to lay down everything that you said through each table in different departments. With the advent of technology, you’ve got to maximize desktop notifications as your main internal communications strategy. With DeskAlerts, you are confident that everybody in your office is on the same page, towards the same goal. It’s because without proper communication, everybody will be on its own. As they say, there is no “I” in TEAM. With DeskAlerts, everyone works hand in hand, together, one step at a time.

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