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2 min read

Points to Consider When Developing an HR Communications Strategy

Nowadays, HR departments are being required to develop their own HR communications strategy by employers who feel that internal communications has a positive effect on employees and their morale and engagement. This then means that HR departments have to be vigilant and consistent in their need to improve internal communication in order to boost productivity, increase employee retention and reduce the percentage of employee turnover.

Assessing Your Company

Should you be tasked to develop the business’ communications plan, the first step to doing so is assessing your company and how effective its current communications strategies are. To find out how effective your internal communications are, distribute a survey throughout the company, and pay close attention to differentiating between each department and seniority level. From the said audit, you will be able to obtain vital information from questions such as:

  1. What communication platforms are utilized to disseminate information?
  2. Is the data being received by employees accurate? If information is deemed to be accurate, what is the basis for this belief?
  3. Are the messages being sent out clear and easy to understand, or can they be misinterpreted or misconstrued?
  4. Are workers aware of the importance of internal communications, and are they able to understand how it affects work processes?

Utilizing the Correct Method

An HR communications strategy requires the utilization of the correct methodology. When the wrong platform is used, communication efforts either go unnoticed or fail. In order to be able to opt for the right method, the best approach is to discover why you are opting for a strategy, rather than what the strategy is. The methodology is not an end in itself, but rather a means to get to the end, to the purpose.

The reasoning behind opting for the right method is that you can’t truly find solutions unless you understand what the issues are and what it is you truly want to achieve. Open up the need to come up with the correct methodology to your staff members, and let them in on the thinking process. Let them have ownership of the issue, as well as of the solution. If you are able to do this, not only will this increase communication, and boost morale and creativity, it will further enhance employee engagement.

During the development of an HR communications strategy, the following queries need to be considered:

  1. What does the company want to achieve in the present and in the future?
  2. How do employees act and behave in the workplace, and what do they need to do in order to help the company reach its goals?
  3. What are the current attitudes of employees, and what change is needed in order to improve attitudes, views and how they access information?
  4. How can internal communications aid in helping boost productivity and engagement now and in the future?
  5. How do managers, leaders and employees contribute to the internal communications plan of the business?
  6. What communication activities and tools are needed in order to further the company’s HR communications strategy?

In order to get employees fully engaged, they have to be involved with planning the internal communications of the company.

Employee-Centered Communication

As mentioned, focusing on getting employees involved in internal communications not only helps you implement your strategies, it also helps increase employee engagement. Remember that internal communication isn’t a bonus concept, rather it is integral to the plan of any kind of organization. Therefore, make sure to allocate resources, effort and time to supporting and employing communication strategies in your company.

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