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2 min read

SMS Alert System: Marketing Amidst Information Overload

Ask any business leader about the biggest challenges of their organization, and you will most probably hear getting and retaining customers as one of the answers. This is because competition nowadays is very tight, no thanks to technology – which has made it possible even for low-budget organizations to come up with products and services to offer to consumers.

In the race to get to the customers first, businesses left and right are using each and every method of marketing known to man – from the traditional TV, radio and print advertisements, to the different online and SEO marketing strategies of today.

SMS Alert System: The Art of Texting Customers

One of the least common ways of marketing is the SMS alert system. Used initially for internal communication, this alert system is now being tapped to reach customers as well.

SMS alerts are now starting to become as popular as, if not more popular than, email alerts, as emails are starting to become overloaded with information. People are tired of spam mails, which is why at the first hint of spam, they are quick to click the bin icon.

Small wonder more and more businesses are turning to the SMS alert system, and are texting their customers instead. However, texting customers is not about sending all your customers message after message of annoying spam – which is no different from those pesky marketing and spam emails. Neither is it about sending them regular daily or weekly texts reminiscent of email newsletters that come at regular intervals.

Sending text marketing alerts, on the other hand, entails careful consideration. If you wish to use your text alert system in a way that your customers would appreciate, you must carefully filter the SMS alerts you send. You must make sure that whatever content you send to your customers is something they want to receive. In order to make your text alerts bring in more sales and revenue, you must be intentional and strategic with the time and frequency by which you send your customers text messages.

Here are some ways different industries use their SMS alert systems to market their products and services:

1. Retailers use mobile alerts to send their loyal customers exclusive deals and mobile coupons. The same loyal customers also get information about loyalty campaigns and reward systems. New customers can get product upselling options, as well as new product announcements through their mobile phones.

2. Restaurant and bar owners can notify customers about new additions in the menu as well as wait times. Text messages are also used to send loyal customers coupons and promotions. The food service industry can also benefit from customer feedback about customer service, and menu inclusions through SMS surveys.

3. Real estate agents and brokers can use SMS to send potential home buyers or renters new listings or notifications about price drops. Brokers and agents can also gain new leads by sending virtual business cards to potential customers.

4. Schools and universities can send students and parents notifications regarding emergency alerts and school closures. Schools can also communicate less urgent matters like meeting reminders, fund-raising events and class announcements. 

Should YOU use your SMS alert system for marketing? 

Must you text your customers? If you wish to increase brand loyalty, sales and response rates, then the answer is a resounding YES. Not only will mobile marketing help you promote your product and services; it will also bring you the following benefits:

  • Wider customer reach. Compared to email marketing, SMS alerts reach more audiences, as there is a 98 percent open rate for text, versus a measly 15-20 percent for email.
  • Immediate customer response. More than 91 percent of Americans have their phones within reach at all times, so text messages are read just within minutes of receiving them. It takes an average of 90 seconds per user to respond to an SMS. 
  • Inclusive availability. With test message alerts, your targeted audience will receive the message, on any mobile phone, whether or not it is a smartphone.
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