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3 min read

SMS notifications for employees on-the-go

In an office that houses more than a hundred employees, it is always a dilemma on how to maintain effective communication among departments. This is especially true for companies that operate in different floors, where not all employees get to meet face-to-face every day. Sending relevant information requires time and effort and usually results to unproductivity and inefficiency. Calling for meetings for sudden changes and important announcements will require a lot of time, while sending information through phones will require effort. This is why during these days, most employers make use of e-mails and SMS alerts.

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Sending Emails and Why It is not Enough

Sending email has always been one of the more preferred ways of sending information. You can send short rich-text format messages. You can send longer messages if you need to be more elaborate. You can attach files--from photos, videos, documents to presentations. However, emails have limitations, too, which make it not a hundred percent effective in terms of sending crucial information among your employees.

Here’s why sending emails is not enough to achieve effective internal communications:

  1. Emails get piled up. Your employees can get hundreds of work-related and personal emails a day and there’s a tendency that your email gets overlooked. They might think it is unimportant or a spam and they won’t read it. Your email can even appear at the bottom and there’s no chance they will be able to read your message.
  2. Emails have limits, too. An inbox can be full and there is a chance it won’t accept anymore emails. The message will then bounce back to the sender. There are occasions, too, when messages keep on bouncing back due to errors. This is definitely a no-no especially when the message you are sending is of crucial importance.
  3. Emails are Internet-dependent. While emails can be received even if one is away from the desktop, the employee should still need an Internet connection to be able to receive email notifications. Not all of your employees are subscribed to unlimited data connection and they may have limited access to Internet. You can’t expect them to be online 24/7, even beyond office hours.

SMS Alerts for Employees On-the-Go

Sending announcements, reminders, safety warnings or instructions is best done through the basic: text messaging. Mobile notifications sent through their personal or work phones are one hundred percent sure delivered even if they are out of the office, without Internet connection or away from their desktops.

A 201 study on mobile phone usage reveals that an average user checks their phones 1,500 times a week. This just shows how mobile phones have become an extension of each user as they bring it anywhere they go. Given this, it is only but fitting to say that sending SMS alerts is the best way to send information.

Sending mobile alerts is perfect for the following people:

  • Employees who work in the field. They work outside the office and most of the time, they move around in construction sites, shops, markets, warehouses, and not every spot has Wi-Fi connection. Sending orders can be done through mobile alerts.
  • Employees who don’t have desktops in their workstations. Not all those working in the offices have desktops to monitor emails or desktop announcements. A quick SMS will keep them updated on recent announcements and orders.
  • Employees who work closely with bosses. Executive assistants and secretaries are the types of employees that you constantly get in touch with, even if they are outside the office, during non-office hours or holidays. Mobile alerts make sure that they get to receive your emergency messages even if they are outside work.

What’s new about SMS Alerts?

Here are the following features of mobile notifications that you get to enjoy with DeskAlerts’ SMS notification system:

  • Customization. You get to customize your SMS alerts, depending on what time you want your message to be sent and how many times in a day would you want the employee to receive the message.
  • URLs Support. It allows you to also send URLs to your recipients. These URLs can be redirected to any mobile phone’s browser to make sure that the content will be delivered efficiently to the receiver.
  • Message Tracking. It allows you to check whether your message has been sent and read by the receiver. It can also require not only confirmation but also response.
  • Any OS Support. It can send messages through Android or iOS and can also send through different cell phone providers across the world.

What is good about DeskAlerts is that SMS alerts can be synchronized with other notification platforms such as desktop and emails. With this, you have a lot of options to maximize in sending crucial information to your people.

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