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3 min read

Speaking Volumes With Corporate Communication Solutions

In the business world from small-scale to billion-dollar worth of companies, corporate communication solutions and technology have become a part of the mainstream operations. This is a result of the expansion and growing complexity of businesses. Businesses now organize the roles of hardware and software used in communications to make operations more efficient thus raises productivity.

corporate communications solution

With the emergence of diverse electronic productivity tools such as smartphones and tablets, companies have now recognized that we are already in the era of continuous productivity that being constantly connected is an important communications strategy. The challenge lies in how we shape the many available corporate communication solutions to how employees work, learn, share and live.

How can corporate communication solutionsincrease and sustain productivity in companies?

Data and information shared to every employee are timely and in formats that are structured, concise and appealing.

Collaboration takes place across company departments and outside boundaries. Sometimes, each department or organization has a different culture on information dissemination. They may have different language or may routinely use a particular communications tool. In this regard, deployed tools are essentially in a format understandable by all users whether in different departments or geographic locations. Additionally, with the help of constant connection to the web, data can be pulled any time from the internet in any form.

Information must also be appealing to capture the interest of the users and gain information recall. A companywide security update disseminated to all employees is best delivered in infograph or texts with visuals or audio. It can be through screensaver, company wallpaper or newsletter.

The effective use of communication solutions enhances employee time management.

Available tools usually make us hurry and send information with a single click. E-mail inboxes are usually the catchbasin of all separate incoherent information which can ultimately result in employees feeling overwhelmed and demotivated. If we try to segment e-mails with loads of unread messages, we will find out a bulk of these stem from individual comments on a single thread which can be summed up into one e-mail. Seeing new e-mails pouring in especially with sound alerts can be stressful to an employee and interrupt his work momentum. People routinely abusing the use of meeting alerts as a reminder birthday can lower down the credibility of the powerful tool. As such, it is important to train employees on how to effectively use the available corporate communication solutions at hand.

In some companies, meetings eat up most of the time of employees. Given complete information that is available, why conduct a meeting when everyone has the information required to already make a decision? Packaging of information is the key to avoiding unnecessary “time-eaters”. This way, it will not slow down employees when all the competitors are speeding up.

Communication Solutions are the best partner of companies in managing supply chain or delivery services to customers.

Investment in communications technology helps bring lower prices to end consumers through better inventory management. A good investment is characterized by the quick sense to respond to any changes in the environment. Companies are now able to respond to any emergency on a timely basis and provide corrective actions on time. Communicating 24/7 IT support on downtimes prevent frustration in committing to an activity. Effective communications lessen the lead time from strategy to implementation with tools presenting real-time information.

Effective external communications enable customers, experts and partners to find you and easily connect with you.

With an effective visual communications channel accessible to potential partners and customers, the possibilities of new partnerships are endless. People now always want to know what’s going on, how they can stay ahead in the curve. A good partner of companies for creating a relationship with customers and potential partners are social media. All news and updates about the company can already be readily accessible through Facebook or Twitter. People stay constantly connected and every new information about the company, product or campaign may very well reach your target audience with just the right packaging of your social media.

Employees trained on the available and effective solutions to use for every situation are proactive and empowered to make decisions.

Gone are the days that managers are recommended to “know more” than others. Information is now deemed to be effective during an open, continuous multi-way dialog rather than a one-way communication street. Bringing together information on all hierarchies empower employees to make decisions in line with the company’s core values. The transparency provided by communication solutions decreases the opportunity to harbor corporate politics and hidden agendas --all factors for employee demoralization and demotivation. The key here is the new role of providing decision-making frameworks using the right tools. Making employees understand and embrace the company direction and values, coupled with teaching them which communication solutions to use, issues will be addressed on a timely basis, lessening the gap between strategy and execution.

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