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2 min read

Technological Communication Solutions You Need for Your Business

In this day and age, companies need technological tools to communicate with their clients and their employees. When it comes to internal communications, technological communication solutions do not only help in making sure that all those who work for the company are well-informed, they also allow for quicker and more efficient communication between managers and employees.

internal communications solution

Here are some of the best technological communication solutions you can use in your business.

1. Email Alert System

Email continues to be one of the most common and most used communication solutions both inside and outside the workplace. However, while email is still widely used, many messages are left unread and disregarded because messages can come in droves. When workers get hundreds of email messages all at once, they can get overwhelmed and simply choose to ignore them. An email alert system helps prevent this.

An email alert system notifies employees when important and urgent messages are sent to their inbox. When employees are notified of these messages, they are then able to read them and reply accordingly.

2. Intranet

A private portal that employees have access to, the intranet is an online space wherein managers and employees can share important and relevant information.

Like an email alert system, the intranet is a useful technological tool because it allows for quick and effective communication. The beauty of the intranet is that allows for easy collaboration, and information that is on it will stay on it. Employees can access the intranet at any time to read up on the information they need. Downloadable forms can also be accessed through the said site, such as leave of absence request forms.

3. Digital Signage

The great thing about a digital signage is that it can run on a loop, exposing staff members to important information and messages throughout the work day without interrupting their work. Companies opt to create dynamic digital signages that not only feature text, but also include images, audio and video so as to draw in the attention of employees even more.

Aside from featuring announcements regarding important policies, new offerings or even company events, a digital signage can also feature motivational words and quotes to get employees engaged and inspired throughout their hectic and at times, challenging work day.

4. Mobile Alert Apps

Nowadays, majority of people in the workplace own mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Also, more often than not, they have these devices on them at all times. This makes communication through mobile alert apps easier, quicker and more convenient. Because majority of staff members will more likely have a mobile device on them at all times, there are easier to reach through mobile alert apps. Messages sent through these mobile alert apps will more likely get received and read, especially if employees are informed that specific messages are important and urgent.

Aside from using mobile alert apps to remind employees regarding upcoming events and meetings, these tools can also be used to inform staff members when emergencies occur. When staff members are informed right away, they higher their chances of keeping safe and being rescued if necessary.

5. Corporate Desktop Wallpaper

A staple for a lot of workplaces, the corporate desktop wallpaper is one of the best ways to send messages to employees without disrupting their work, while making sure that they receive and read important and urgent information. Messages are flashed onscreen, on the computers being utilized by employees at work. This then increases the likelihood that messages are read since staff members are already at their desk and looking at the screen that contains the information that needs to be read.

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