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8 min read

The Importance of Employee Loyalty in the Workplace

Employee Loyalty

Loyal employees are a major asset for any organization. Their commitment towards the company helps to ensure that it thrives - not just in terms of productivity, but by also creating a strong workplace culture. When employees are loyal they want to see the company succeed and are engaged in mutual respect and shared goals. They’re also your biggest brand ambassadors and will always champion your organization.

By understanding the nuances of employee loyalty, organizations can implement proactive strategies that will help to cultivate and maintain loyal employees, driving their long-term success.

Table of contents

What is employee loyalty in a company?

What are the traits of loyal employees?

Why is employee loyalty important to companies?

What factors contribute to employee loyalty?

How to check employee loyalty

Management’s role in developing employee loyalty

10 Tips for Fostering Employee Loyalty

How DeskAlerts helps improve employee loyalty in the workplace

What is employee loyalty in a company?

Employee loyalty can be defined as the commitment to and emotional attachment felt towards an organization by its employees. The loyalty can manifest in different ways including through strong performance, an employee’s willingness to go above and beyond in their roles and a strong desire to stay with the company over an extended period of time.

Loyal employees often display a strong alignment with the company’s mission, values, vision and goals and are highly likely to advocate for the organization both internally and externally.

What are the traits of loyal employees?

There are several key traits displayed by loyal employees:

  • They are highly engaged.
  • They consistently show enthusiasm about their work.
  • They display dedication to the company’s goals.
  • They are reliable.
  • They consistently perform well.
  • They display initiative.
  • They take pride in their work.
  • They go above and beyond to contribute to the organization’s success.
  • They have a positive attitude, even when confronted with challenging situations.
  • They are supportive towards their colleagues.
  • They contribute positively to the team to build cohesion and boost morale.
  • They are advocates for the company, and recommend it to potential customers or new hires.
  • They are proactive about problem solving.
  • They tend to stay with the company for a longer period of time.

Employee loyalty, however, should not be taken for granted. According to Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report, 52% of employees say they are watching for or actively seeking a new job. That’s more than half the world’s employees. Being aware of this statistic is relevant for employers who want to attract and retain top talent in their field.

It’s no secret that workplaces all over the world have undergone rapid transformation since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are increasingly looking for more flexibility in the workplace and when they don’t get it they vote with their feet: either leaving completely (a trend that was dubbed “The Great Resignation”) or doing the bare minimum to fulfil the requirements of their job (a trend dubbed “quiet quitting”).

Research from the World Economic Forum has found that traditionally, employees were willing to compromise when it came to flexibility. Generally it would come at the expense of lower salaries and fewer career opportunities. Companies would also pay more money in order to retain the top talent. All of this has now been flipped on its head: in order to stay loyal, employees expect better pay along with greater flexibility and a sense of personal fulfillment.

This doesn’t mean you should become complacent and assume that a high turnover is just a part of the “new normal” since the pandemic. It should still be a concerning sign that there are systemic and structural problems within your organization that you need to urgently address.

Writing on LinkedIn, John P. Casey, President of Shamrock Consultants encourages leaders in companies to be honest with themselves and their colleagues about the issue.

“High turnover is a sign that your building is on fire, not just part of the “new normal”. Less than 5% churn is a good annual turnover number. 30% is a sign something is seriously wrong. And YOU need to correct it,” he wrote.

Why is employee loyalty important to companies?

Loyal employees are more engaged and have a deep commitment to the company, which boosts overall performance. These are the main benefits:

  1. Increased productivity

Loyal employees are much more likely to be more productive due to their motivation and engagement. This commitment drives them to perform at their very best.u8

  1. Lower costs associated with turnover

When you have a loyal workforce, you can expect significant savings on recruitment and training costs. Having long-term employees with a breadth of knowledge and experience will also contribute to smoother operations.

  1. It contributes to a positive workplace

A workforce comprised of loyal employees helps to create a positive and collaborative work environment. These employees have a shared commitment to the goals of the company which fosters teamwork and a supportive workplace.

  1. More satisfied customers

Loyal employees are more likely to provide better customer service as they’re more knowledgeable and invested in the company’s success. This dedication often results in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty and better sales results.

What factors contribute to employee loyalty?

There are several key factors that contribute to employee loyalty:

  • Effective company leadership that displays integrity, fairness and empathy.
  • Reward, recognition and appreciation of employee contributions and achievements.
  • Opportunities for growth and development.
  • A physically and mentally safe workplace.
  • Access to flexibility in work arrangements.
  • A good work-life balance.
  • A good salary and benefits package.
  • The type of workplace environment where employees have a sense of belonging.
  • A positive workplace culture that values diversity and inclusivity.
  • The presence of open communication where employees can express opinions and ideas.


How to check employee loyalty

Measuring employee loyalty can be challenging, but it is essential for understanding workforce dynamics and developing and implementing strategies to build committed and engaged teams.

Here are several methods you can use to check and assess your employee loyalty:

  • Regular engagement surveys. These surveys should include questions about job satisfaction, commitment to the company and the likelihood of recommending the organization to others. Strong employee loyalty is usually evident if there are high scores in these areas.


  • Exit interviews. Asking employees who are leaving the company about the reasons for their departure can give valuable insights into potential issues in the organization that could be affecting loyalty.
  • Stay interviews. Unlike exit interviews, stay interviews focus on current employees. These are discussions designed to understand what it is that keeps employees choosing to remain with the company, and what improvements could be made to enhance their experience as an employee.
  • Performance metrics. You can actively measure attendance and punctuality, which are both strong indicators of loyalty. A loyal employee is more likely to maintain a regular work schedule and demonstrate reliability.
  • Performance reviews. Conducting regular performance evaluations can help to see patterns of dedication and commitment. You’ll often find that the employees who consistently meet or exceed expectations are likely to be more loyal towards the company.
  • Engagement with company activities.  Employees who actively participate in company activities, team meetings and social events are generally more likely to exhibit higher levels of loyalty. The willingness of these employees to engage and contribute beyond what is required of them exhibits a commitment to the organization.
  • Monitoring turnover rates. By analyzing turnover rates - particularly voluntary departures - you can gain valuable insights into employee loyalty, High rates of voluntary turnover may signal issues with commitment and job satisfaction.
  • Tenure analysis. Examining the average tenure of employees can be revealing about loyalty. Longer tenures are generally an indicator of higher loyalty, while shorter tenures can suggest underlying problems with retention.
  • Analysis of employee referrals. Employees who refer other people to open positions within the company often exhibit strong loyalty. People are only usually willing to recommend something to family, friends or aquaintances if they believe in what they are recommending. If they think it’s a terrible place to work, they’re likely to say so.
  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a metric that measures employees’ willingness to recommend their place of work to others. A high eNPS indicates there is strong employee loyalty while a low score indicates that the company needs to make improvements.
  • Open feedback. Providing suggestion boxes and other feedback channels encourages employees to share their thoughts and ideas. You can use this feedback to gather insights into whether or not your employees are feeling loyal to the company, and what may be standing in the way of them being loyal.


Management’s role in developing employee loyalty

Management has an important role to play when it comes to cultivating and sustaining employee loyalty within an organization.

A 2006 study by Kurt Matzler and Birgit Renzl of 131 Austrian company employees in the energy sector found that trust in management was one of the most important predictors of employee satisfaction, which in turn influences employee loyalty.

The actions and practices of a company’s leadership can directly shape employees’ perceptions of their work environment and influence their sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.

Management can influence employee loyalty in the following ways:

  • Setting the tone for company culture and leading by example.
  • Providing a clear vision and direction to employees that they can understand and embrace.
  • Providing professional development opportunities to staff.
  • Providing regular and meaningful recognition for employee effort and achievements.
  • Treating employees fairly and providing equal opportunities.
  • Promoting work-life balance and flexible working arrangements.
  • Communicating effectively including openly and transparently.

10 Tips for Fostering Employee Loyalty

If you recognize that your organization could make improvements to foster employee loyalty, these ten steps can help you to see better results.

  1. Create a positive workplace culture

Build and foster a workplace culture in your organization that places an emphasis on valuing respect, inclusiveness and teamwork. Employees are more likely to remain loyal to their employer if they feel they are respected and included in the workplace.

  1. Provide opportunities for growth

It’s important to offer your employees opportunities for professional growth and development. When employees see a clear path for advancement within the company, they’re more likely to want to stay with it long-term.

  1. Recognize and reward employee contributions

By regularly recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions, you can expect to see a boost in loyalty. Recognition can come in a variety of forms such as public acknowledgment of their efforts, promotions or bonuses.

  1. Ensure employees have good work-life balance

Employees who feel that their time and personal lives are respected by the company are more likely to remain loyal to it.

  1. Maintain open communication

Open and transparent communication helps to foster trust between employees and management within an organization. When employees feel informed and heard they are more likely to develop a strong sense of loyalty toward the company.


  1. Celebrate milestones and achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and achievements such as work anniversaries, team successes or when key components of projects are successfully delivered, which helps to create a positive and celebratory workplace atmosphere.

  1. Invest in employee well-being

Provide resources and programs that support your employees’ mental and physical well-being. This can include employee assistance programs, gym memberships, health and nutrition initiatives and other wellness programs. By introducing these to the workplace, your employees will feel cared for which will help to improve their overall sense of satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Encourage team building and social interaction

Organizing team building activities, social events and other opportunities for employees to connect outside of work helps to strengthen their interpersonal relationships and foster a sense of community.

  1. Solicit and act on employee feedback

Regularly gather feedback via surveys, suggestion boxes and open forums and then take steps to action any input received. Employees will feel their opinions matter and are more likely to remain engaged and loyal to the organization.

  1. Build strong relationships between managers and employees

Actively encourage the managers in your company to foster and develop strong, supportive relationships with their team members.

How DeskAlerts helps improve employee loyalty in the workplace

An effective tool for enhancing employee loyalty is DeskAlerts - an internal communication system that delivers proven results in employee engagement.

DeskAlerts is a software system that delivers information to employees’ computers and mobile devices, regardless of where they are working, using a variety of innovative channels that ensure the messages are seen.

Ways to use DeskAlerts to improve employee loyalty include:

  • Regularly communicate company values and culture. Send weekly messages that highlight different aspects of the company’s culture such as innovation, inclusiveness or customer focus. These can be sent as pop-up notifications, or can be visual and eye-catching in the form of corporate screensavers.
  • Employee recognition. Use DeskAlerts to publicly acknowledge employees’ hard work and accomplishments. You can send notifications about this to all employees so they are aware of the contribution their colleagues have made. You can also send tailored notifications to the employee directly, thanking them for their hard work.
  • Provide real-time updates. Keeping employees informed about company news, updates and key changes ensures they understand what is happening while also helping them to feel valued and included. You can keep your employees informed about all the important news in your organization by using pop-up notifications, sending information to scrolling news tickers or deploying mobile alerts to those staff who are on the go.
  • Conduct surveys and polls.  You can easily engage employees in the decision making process by using the surveys and polls module in DeskAlerts that sends them straight to employee devices ab ensures you get feedback instantly that you can action.
  • Promote professional development opportunities. You can regularly send alerts about training programs, webinars and courses and any other growth opportunities for employees within your company. Use DeskAlerts features such as digital signage, screensavers and lock screen alerts to remind people about upcoming opportunities.
  • Promote employee wellbeing initiatives. Use DeskAlerts to promote wellness programs, provide health tips and share resources for managing stress. You can send daily or weekly tips and reminders through different DeskAlerts channels including screensavers, pop-up notifications and scrolling tickers.


Fostering employee loyalty requires a combination of strong company leadership, recognition and appreciation, opportunities for growth, work-life balance and a positive workplace culture. When these factors are managed and balanced, organizations can create environments where employees are motivated to stay both committed and loyal.

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