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2 min read

Top Communication Tools for HR Professionals

When you’re on the front-lines of human resources, there can be a lot to keep on top of, with finite time to do so. HR has become an increasingly strategic function that is core to every business’ success.


But how do you balance the time it takes to be strategic, creative, proactive and insightful when you have to take care of all the time-consuming but important administrative functions that HR requires?

Whether your company is a large organization that is looking to streamline its HR processes, or a smaller one that can’t afford to have a large, dedicated HR department, there is a range of tools available to make your human resources functions more efficient.

Here are some of the best HR tools you can have in your arsenal:

1. Jobr

Think of this as being like a dating app – but for finding the right candidate to match your company’s corporate culture. Candidates upload their profiles from Facebook and apply for your jobs using the app.

2. SuccessFactors

SuccessFactors is a talent management system that lets you automate most of your talent management processes including an applicant tracking system, the abiity to measure your recruiting campaigns, automate job posting and application processes and build a strong talent community.

3. Yammer

Yammer is a social network platform for your company. It functions the same as other social media, but is focused exclusively on your employees. It is a great tool for collaboration and improving internal communications and engagement.

4. Zenefits

Zenefits is a tool that looks after the operational side of your HR functions. You can use it to keep employee records, calculate payroll, manage tax, insurance, disability and compensation payments. This system will record time sheets and log your employees’ attendance. It can also produce a range of reports.

5. DeskAlerts

DeskAlerts is an internal communications solution that can be used to help improve a range of HR functions. It delivers messages to employees’ computers via a pop up that cannot be ignored or minimized. It is a much more reliable way to deliver important information than by using email. DeskAlerts can also be used to deliver important training information, direct staff to policies and procedures, increase engagement and to survey staff and get their opinions in real time.


Hiring the wrong candidate can cost your company many thousands of dollars. is a pre-employment assessment tool that can help you find the right person for each job. It analyzes the role and develops a test for candidates that accompanies job postings. HR departments that use this tool claim they spend up to 80 per cent less time reading resumes and have around 67 per cent lower turnover rates.

7. Jobatar

Sometimes it can be hard to set aside a large amount of time needed to interview numerous candidates for a role. With Jobatar you can record questions for interviewees and invite them to access these questions and record their answers through their webcam. You can then review the candidates at a convenient time, whether you are in the office or on the road.


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