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2 min read

Use DeskAlerts to Help Your Company’s Employee Communications

Managers use DeskAlerts as the perfect solution to keep track of daily operations in their companies. Use DeskAlerts to run your company more efficiently.

Corporate Screensaver

Management often is sidelined by data, metrics, goals and statistics and forgets that keeping the channels open for good employee communications is just as important as data flows and marketing objectives. When there are problems in communications, managers and employees cannot solve problems and implement solutions. These difficulties will result in low morale, a high turnover rate, decreased production and skinnier profit margins. Use DeskAlerts desktop notification tools to help your managers communicate freely and effectively with all of your employees and avoid many communication problems.

employee communication meeting reminder

7 Things Managers can use DeskAlerts’ Entirely Web-Based Notification System to Do

  • Send individuals, small groups, or large groups standard updates or pertinent information bulletins.
  • Reach recipients via traditional email, desktop alerts, scrolling tickers, wallpapers, or SMS texts to their computer or mobile device.
  • Use administrative tools in the control panel to make the message expire if unread in a specified amount of time and reappear if unacknowledged.
  • Utilize more control panel tools to track receipt and acknowledgement or cut through all open programs to display the alert prominently on the recipient’s screen.
  • Send out quizzes and surveys to verify absorption of information. Use videogame-like interfaces to test recipients’ knowledge of content and to get the most out of employee surveys.
  • Create real-time conferences between employees and managers to discuss policies, upcoming changes and performance reports.
  • Build virtual dropboxes online where employees can go to leave feedback and ask questions of management on a variety of topics.

Sounds Complicated. Is It?

DeskAlerts’ software is entirely web-based, meaning there is no software to download or install. Easy to use consoles and ready-to-read PDFs are at your fingertips should you have a question about any of DeskAlerts’ many features. Still not enough help? Utilize our tiered support system online to get the answers you need fast in a personalized, individual manner. You won’t dial a number and talk to a machine when you have a question about a DeskAlerts feature. There is no need to take multiple training courses or read a thick, incomprehensible manual to use DeskAlerts’ many tools. Simple controls allow users to navigate easily control panels and editing features, while allowing users complete customization over all of their alerts.

employee communication tools survey

We’re Not a Huge Corporation. Can We Still Benefit from DeskAlerts?

Companies and institutions of all sizes will benefit from DeskAlerts’ entirely customizable services. Managers in companies big, small, and in between can all get lost in paperwork and forget the human touch of their jobs. Opening up lines of employee communications can effectively be done with our services on a small scale just as well as on a global one. We have solutions for your small and medium-sized businesses and we can tailor a package just for you to meet your needs and budget.

We’re Not a Huge Corporation. Can We Still Benefit from DeskAlerts?

No matter what industry your company is in, your employees are the gas in the tank. They are what moves your product or service. If they are not satisfied with their workplace, your management needs to know about it, and they can’t do that if they are unable to communicate easily back and forth. Likewise, a manager cannot be made aware of a situation they need to remedy all the time by face-to-face contact. If the only other means are limited, you have a serious communication problem on your hands. By utilizing the next-generation software of DeskAlerts, you can be confident knowing your management can communicate easily and effectively with your employees, and vice-versa. Keeping those communication channels open and freely flowing is more likely to keep your employees happy because they know they can communicate easily with their managers about any concerns they have, and that will translate into increased production, lower downtimes, reduced turnover and increased profit margins.
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