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3 min read

Use DeskAlerts in Times of a Company Restructure

Companies going through changes rely on good employee communications in order to make the transition successful. Use DeskAlerts to help during that time.

The first thing to do when your company is anticipating a change is to prepare employees for that change with good employee communications. Situations where serious changes occur and employees do not know what is going on or why changes are necessary never turn out well. Part of good communications between managers and employees is to utilize great communication vessels; that includes tools like DeskAlerts’ completely web-based solutions.

employees communications

How can DeskAlerts’ Services Help My Business go Through a Change?

No matter what size your company is or how many employees you have going through the transition with you, there are a few things that you can do to make the process easier on everyone.

  • Initially, notify employees about the change through DeskAlerts’ traditional email services. In the email, discuss why the change is necessary, how you are planning to implement it and what things will look like when the change is complete.
  • Use administrative settings to customize who receives the initial email. Schedule the messages to go out at a certain time on a certain day, and schedule a recurrence for recipients who do not acknowledge receipt and comprehension satisfactorily.
  • Utilize extended statistics to see data concerning receipt and acknowledgement of the email and its contents.
  • After acknowledgement, schedule quizzes to test recipients’ knowledge of previous email’s content.
  • As the change rolls out, use tools such as scrolling tickers to keep employees abreast of progress and updates.
  • Use add-ons like surveys to check with employees about the change; how do they feel about things, what are their experiences, are things going according to plan. Positive feedback is a great tool for improving your employee communications.

employee communication tools survey

The Three Worst Things You Can Do In a Situation of Change

  • Use a one-size-fits-all approach to notifying the company of the plans. When management uses a blanket, impersonal email to notify the whole company that they intend on downsizing an entire department, it not only turns morale frigid, it shows no respect for employees. This is definitely an example of poor employee communications.
  • Not notify employees in a timely manner. Waiting until the last minute to tell employees about a change is almost as bad as telling them too far in advance. Giving them very little time to understand and prepare for the changes is very stressful and production will drop. Give them too much time and they are liable to forget about the changes or not believe you when you tell them something important is happening. Employees will ignore the company that cries “wolf” too many times when it really means it.
  • Ignore employee feedback. Companies that don’t take into account how their employees feel about a change or how they were treated concerning a change are more likely to have extremely high turnover rates and very low morale, as employees will feel like management does not respect them.

There are things your company can do to make sure they do not experience any of those harmful situations; things you can do with a little help from a few of many flexible, completely customizable solutions from DeskAlerts.

How to Improve Those Bad Situations with DeskAlerts

  • Customize your notifications as individually as you want them. Address alerts to entire departments, individuals, committees, individuals hired on a certain date, or those who have worked for the company a specific amount of time. If possible, address notifications to individuals. The more personalized you make your notifications the more an employee will feel like they are “part of the team.” They will feel included and the company values them. This will translate to positive morale and higher productivity rates.
  • Choose the timing of your communications carefully. There are times when changes have to occur and you have no control over their timelines, but try to do your best. If the change is an anticipated merger, consider telling the employees about the plans six months before they will take effect. That gives employees time to understand the situation, learn how it will affect them, and then adjust and adapt accordingly. Again, by keeping your communications in a timely, appropriate manner you will keep your employees happy, resulting in moreproduction and less downtime.
  • Invite feedback. Use DeskAlerts’ surveys and forums as venues where employees can tell management how they feel about the changes, if things are going smoothly or if there are problems during the transition, or if there are things going on during the transition that management should be aware of. Again, with DeskAlerts’ extensive list of products and services, managers can create a survey with individualized questions, hold a virtual meeting where managers and employees can meet, or construct a drop box where employees can go to leave messages for managers.

By using just a few of DeskAlerts’ numerous tools, you can help your company go through even the most strenuous of transitions with ease by practicing good communications throughout the company.

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